chapter 2

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              Emma sat on the sofa petting Zeus and Apollo waiting for her mom to give her, her punishment. "Emma for the next two weeks you are grounded, you will only leave this house to go to school and then you are to come strait home" Said Higgins. "yes mom" replied Emma. "oh I'm not finished yet, I am also taking away your PI bag along with your phone and computer and no tv" said Higgins in a stern voice. "mom know I need my bag how am I supposed to work dads case" replied Emma. "oh your not" replies Higgins. "so unfair" says Emma. "Oh by the way your uncles are coming over later" Said Higgins. "cool" replied Emma as she got up from the couch to head to her room Zeus and Apollo following close behind. she walked into her room shutting the door behind her and the lads. she jumped on her bed and laded there frustrated. "Zeus, Apollo mom is being so unreasonable, how am I supposed to find my dad with out my journal and all of my PI stuff" says Emma as she pets the lads. "Its like she doesn't want him to found" says Emma. "Great I'm losing it, I'm talking to dogs" says Emma laughing at herself. Apollo licks her hand and cuddles up next to her on one side and Zeus on the other. the lads were very protective of Emma and always had been. After a few minute's she eventually feel asleep.

        Emma awoke to the sound of her mom calling her name. "she looked out her window, it was dark out. she wondered how long she had been asleep for. she looked on both sides of her to see Zeus and Apollo still there. she got and walked out into the living room to see her uncles Rick and TC along with Kumu, her mother and uncle Gordy. "Mom what's going on" asked Emma confused. "we just wanna have a little talk with you" replied Higgins. "ok" replied Emma nervously. "go on lads" said Higgins as she signaled them to go out and play.  "ok so what is this all about" asked Emma.  "we wanted to talk to you about your dad" said Higgins. "we know you want to believe he is still alive but he isn't, you need to accept that he is gone" says Katsumoto. "oh that's why you wanted to talk" says Emma. "Emma you remind us so much of your dad, your dad was our best friend and we would love for him to still be alive but he isn't" says Rick. "How can you know that, his body was never found" said Emma angrily! "Emma the possibly he is still alive is almost none" said TC.

      "He's alive and I know it" says Emma as she runs off. "well that went well" says Rick sarcastically.  "Well we tried she is just dead set on proving her dad is alive and wont stop until she does, reminds me of Thomas" replies TC. "yeah that's want worries me" replies Higgins. Higgins gets up and walks to her daughters room. "Emma can we talk" asked Higgins. Emma says nothing. "Emma we didn't mean to upset you but you have to know your dad is never coming home" says Higgins. "you may believe that but I don't, he's alive I know it" says Emma as she plays with her necklace. "you know your dad made you that necklace, he was so excited when he found out you were a girl and so he made two halves of a heart out of clay and he kept one half and gave you the other" says Higgins. "I know, mom can I have my journal back just for tomorrow, I have to do a presentation for school and I need it" says Emma. "you promise its for school" says Higgins. "yes I promise" says Emma. "alright fine but I'm taking it back as soon as you get home" says Higgins. "yay thank you" says Emma. "bye the way what is this report about" asks Higgins. "were supposed to talk about something interesting about us" says Emma. "ok anyways remind me and I will give it to you before school" says Higgins. "ok love you" says Emma "love you too" says Higgins as she walks out the door.

      Emma knew tomorrow would be her chance to copy her notes into her other journal, I know what your thinking, no she didn't lie she did have a report tomorrow that she needed her journal for but she knew her mom would take her journal back as soon as she got home and to keep investigating she needed her notes so she kept a back up for situations like this and thank goodness she wouldn't have to rewrite all her notes just like 10 pages worth. no matter she knew tomorrow was going to be a long day, so she decided to go to bed.

                                                       The next morning

         Emma sat downstairs eating her breakfast when her mom walked in with her journal. "here you go" replied Higgins as she sat the journal down. "Thank you" said Emma. "don't be to excited I will be taking it back at the end of the day and remember come straight home after school" Said Higgin, "I know and I will replied Emma as she put her journal into her bag and grabbed her keys and headed for the door. "Have a good Emma, I love you" says Higgins. "I love you to said Emma as she ran out the door. she drove a black Porsha she would've preferred to drive her dads red Ferrari but her mom wouldn't tell her were it was and she couldn't find it. Anyways her drive to school was normal, no Traffic and boring. Emma wasn't exactly popular but she wasn't an outcast, but she was definitely well known, teachers or students would call on her when something went missing, Most kids believe that Thomas magnum was a legend others believe he existed but most just though Emma was crazy and didn't believe that Thomas magnums was her dad.

          She pulled into her schools parking lot and parked her car and headed to her class for her presentation. she sat at her desk copying her notes into her other Journal, she was half way though when her teacher called on her. she got up from her desk and grabbed her journal and walked to the front of the class. "ok so something interesting about me is that when I was a baby my father Thomas magnum disappeared, this is my journal where I keep all of my notes from the case file and just things I find during my investigation along with my theories. what we know is that he went to meet up with some clients about a case he was working, after a few my mom began to worry so she called my uncles HPD detective Gordan katsumoto, my other uncle who is a helicopter pilot TC Calvin and my uncle Rick who is owns a bar and is one of his marine brothers along with TC and together they searched the searched the island and that's when the found his car a red Ferrari abandoned on the side of the road. during the investigation it was discovered he had met a man and a woman at the now closed coffee shop aloha coffee and he was seen going into the kitchen, with a man and a woman but he never came out. "I believe he went out the back door in the kitchen where he was being held at gun point and was taken to a vehicle parked behind the restaurant and is being held captive maybe even being force to work for who ever has him, I don't know who has him but I believe it could have to do with a case he worked as a pi or one of his pi cases but the outcome reminds the same for the last 17 years the case remains unsolved. "says Emma as she finishes her presentation.

          "Emma while this was a great presentation you were supposed to talk about something real not made up" says Her teacher. "what. I didn't make it up Thomas magnum is my father, here's a photo of him Holding me as a baby, you can ask my mom, my uncles rick , TC  and detective Gordan katsumoto I'm telling the truth, Thomas magnum is my father and I know he's alive and I'm going to find him." says Emma. "Your lying" says A tall lanky boy in the back. "He's right she's lying" said another girl. the whole class started chiming in saying Emma was lying. " Thomas magnum is my father and he's alive and I'm going to prove it. says Emma wiping away her tears. Emma grabs her bag and runs out of her class with tears stream down her face. her teacher calls after her but she ignores it and heads for the bathroom.

all right hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always the next chapter will be up in the next few days.

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