chapter 14

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" Last night we were heading to Robins nest to talk to the magnum family to see if they could give us anymore information on his disappearance and on our way there we spotted him carrying a teenage girl ,he was taking her somewhere to get rid of her and leave her to die, that young girl is here in a coma in critical condition, she's a jane doe we aren't going to release any photos of her because we don't want to put her in danger and as for Thomas magnum he is in our custody. that's all I am at liberty to say as of now" says JJ as she walks away with the sounds of reports screaming questions at her in the background. she walked into the hospital and into Emma's room where the team was helping her get ready as well as going throw the plan one more time. "Ok so I need you to put this in your ear, it will allow you to hear us" says Garcia as she hands her the earbud like object. "we also have cameras and listen devices everywhere so we will be able to hear and see everything" says Prentiss. "I'm scared" says Emma. "That's ok, its ok to be scared. we aren't going to let anything happen to you, we have undercover agents everywhere and Rossi and JJ will be hiding in the bathroom, we will not let anything happen to you" says Reid. Emma walked over and laid down in the bed nervously. "ok we will be right outside watching everything, JJ and Rossi will be in the bathroom. we won't let anything happen to I give you my word" says Hotch as he and the rest of the team left.

Emma laid there for what felt like hours trying to stay calm which in realty was probably only an hour when she heard the door open. "that's the girl, Lightning pass me the poison" says spades. Emma can hear the rustling of them searching throw a bag and that's when she freaks out and pulls out the knife she hide under her pillow and grabs Lightning throwing him to the ground and putting the knife to his throat. "make any sudden moves and I slit his throat" says Emma. that's when the FBI comes in. "Emma put the knife down" says JJ as they all train there guns on her. "No they were going to kill me" says Emma. "I think she's having some kind of mental breakdown" says Reid. "Emma we don't wanna hurt you" says Rossi. "Just kill me, that's your job right" says Emma. JJ holsters her gun and moves a few steps towards Emma. "Emma look at me, your not a killer. you do this then you will go to prison for the rest of your life and your not a killer so please put the knife down," says JJ. Emma Drops the knife and moves into a corner where she curls up into a ball and just cries. The team gets the two Mafia Goons out and in handcuffs and on there way to the station. JJ and Prentiss walks over to Emma and sit down keeping some distance between them and Emma as to not freak her out. "Emma are you ok" asks JJ. "Are you going to arrest me" asks Emma. "no" says JJ. Emma goes over to JJ and just cries in her arms. "Its ok Emma your safe I promise. you did a good job" says Prentiss. "No I didn't I almost screwed up this whole operation" says Emma. "No you didn't, Emma your not trained for this, we never should of asked you to do this" says Hotch. "I mean you made these two grown men pee there pants, where did you learn those badass moves" asks Morgan. "I've been taking elf defense class's sense I was like 8" says Emma. "Follow up question were did you get the knife" asks Reid, "I stashed it in my bag this morning before we left, I was freaking out and I grabbed it, I'm sorry" says Emma. "Its ok" says Hotch. "Come on lets get you changed and to HPD" says JJ.

later at the Hawaii police department

Emma sat in the conference room with her parents and JJ, Reid and Garcia waiting for the rest of the team to conclude the interrogations. meanwhile in interrogation. "Lightning you need to tell us were the attack is happening tomorrow" says Hotch. "I don't have to tell you anything fed" says Lighting. "well your buddy spades is telling my other agent everything and is putting this all on you" says Hotch. "He's lying" says Lightning. "well then tell me everything" says Hotch. "our boss Jigsaw Pirtinaci he's our leader and after he saw the press conference he ordered us to go and finish what magnum failed to do which, was to kill the girl, but I didn't except her to almost kill me" says Lightning. "You need to tell me where the attack is happening tomorrow" says Hotch. "well its was moved to today at a restaurant called Hawaii style cooking its on the beach, Pirtinaci is having several of his men put there man mad strait of the plague in the food, there's no cure for it, people will die after a few hours after eating" says Lightning. "Hotch runs out of interrogation to grab the team,

The team arrives at the restaurant just in time to stop people from eating the food and they were very lucky no one had eaten yet. they went into the kitchen and arrest the whole staff which they confirmed via Garcia all worked for the Mafia. and after hours of integration they were able to get the location of where Pirtinaci lived. they all Got back in there cars and when they arrived Pirtinaci and his men weren't going to go down with out a fight and it ended with a huge shoot out which ended with Pirtinaci and majority of his men being killed. after hours of waiting for the scene to be proceeded they were finally able to go back to HPD and tell Magnum and his family the amazing news.

hope you enjoyed this chapter the next and final chapter will be out soon

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