chapter 4

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      JJ walked into her office to see a case file on her desk marked Thomas magnum. she sat at her desk and opened the file. she started reading though the file, the case seemed pretty strait forward until she started reading the witness reports. the witness indicated that Thomas magnum was seen walking into the back kitchen and never coming back out but what stuck out is no one ever saw magnum come back for his car which had been parked in the front so that would mean someone else came back and drove it and left it on the other side of the rode but according to the forensics report down on the car there were only traces of magnum and Higgins being in the car and know one else. "there wasn't much but JJ felt like there had to be more to the case so she decide to ask detective Gordan katsumoto for permission for her and her team to work the case. she did a quick search and was able to find detective Katsumoto phone number , she quickly typed in the number and pushed the call button.


"hi I'm Supervisory special agent Jennifer Jareau with the behavioral analysis unit and I wanted to talk to you about a case" said JJ

"ok which one" said Katsumoto confused

"Thomas magnum" said JJ

"why is the FBI looking in to that case" asked Katsumoto

"I got an email from a Emma magnum asking for help" replied JJ

"Agent you have to understand Emma has an obsession's with this case, we have tried to get her to let it go but she wont but if yall want to work it go ahead" replied Katsumoto in disbelief.

"ok I have to talk to my unit chief but we will be there sometime late today or early tomorrow" replied JJ before hanging up.

    JJ grabbed the case file and headed into the Ballpen and up to Hotch's office. "hotch you know the case you let me have some leeway on" asked JJ. "yes" replied hotch. "well the Hawaii police said we can work it and I know its a seventeen year old cold case but there's more to this, its more then just a disappearance, the guy Thomas magnum was a retired Navy seal, I think its possible he could be alive" said JJ. "JJ I don't know we don't really work those kinds of cases" says Hotch. "I know but Hotch there's more to this case" said JJ. "ok gather the team" said Hotch. "Thank you sir" said JJ as she left to gather the team. "Guys we have a case" said JJ as she headed for the conference room..

      after 10 minutes they all got there files and were finally able to start the conference. "ok so yesterday I got an email from a 17 year old girl whom is a private investigator contacted me to ask for help on her dads seventeen year old missing persons case. I know we don't normal work cases like this but I think there's more to it" said JJ. "we don't usually work cases like this" said Morgan. "I know but lets hear JJ out" replied Emily. "ok so seventeen years ago Thomas magnum left his wife and daughter at home promising to be back in a few hours, he was a pi so he was going to met with some clients for a case he was working and he never came home and hours later his car was found abandoned on the side of the rode but he was never found as has remained missing now the girl I mentioned early is his daughter Emma and she believes he is still alive, there was no forensic evidence found on the car but he was last seen walking in the kitchen of this coffee shop and never came back out but there was a back door he could of left thought and his car was parked at the front so someone had to come back and move it later, he was a former navy seal I think he could still be alive and if he is we need to find him" says JJ. "well we don't normally work cases like this but I trust JJ lets do it" said Hotch. "ok lets do it" said Everyone. "ok its settled were going to Oahu, Hawaii wheels up in 30.

                                               meanwhile at the robin master estate

       Emma sat in her room hoping agent Jareau saw her email but sadly she had know way to check because her mom had it but that's when her mom came in. "Emma I don't like you being with out your phone so I am giving it back" said Higgins. "really thanks mom" says Emma excitedly. "don't get to excited your still grounded" said Higgins. "I know" replied Emma. she waited for her mom to leave and she nervously checked her email but nothing. I mean she didn't expect much but an email back would've been nice. she pulled out her notebook and started looking for something she missed but nothing, what she needed was leads but she had none and how was she supposed to get any when she was grounded, I mean she could sneak out but that would just lead to her getting into more trouble. she then realized she had a copy of her dads case file under her bed so she pulled it out, One question always nagged at her, where is the Red Ferrari. she flipped though the file and found that the car had in fact been given back to her mom, which mint it had to be somewhere on the robin master estate but where she had looked everywhere, except one place the garage connected to the guest house a please that was off limits to her and everyone on the Este but she knew what she had to do, she had to break in but first she would need a plan.

ok hop you enjoyed this chapter as always the next chapter will be up in the next few days.

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