Chapter 5

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Emma waited until her mom went to bed to sneak out. her first objective was to find the key to the guest house. she quietly opened her door and peeked out to make sure her mom and Kumu weren't in sight. she looked around and no one was there, she quietly walked out of her room and into the living room were her moms desk was. she started looking though the drawers but didn't find anything. she then looked by the front door where her mom kept all the keys but nothing so she knew she was going to have to pick the lock. she ran back to her room to grab her lock picks out of her bag when she remembered her mom took her bag, so she decide to just use two bobby pins and her flashlight. she quietly headed to the back door which was a sliding door. she carefully and quietly pushed the door up and walked out pulling the door closed behind her. she started walking across the huge yard to the guest house when she was approached by Zeus and Apollo, she was nervous the lads would bark but they didn't. she gave them each a few pets then started making her way to the guest house.

she got to the front door of the guest house and quickly locked around to make sure she was alone. she didn't see anyone except the lads. once she felt confidence the coast was clear she took her to bobby pins and started picking the lock. after a few seconds she got it open. she turned on her flashlight and walked in. the guest house hadn't been used sense her dad disappeared. she looked around and saw a file cabinet with a drawer labeled case files. she wanted to look but new she didn't have enough time. she quickly looked around making sure not to knock anything over. the guest house looked stuck in time furniture covered with white sheets untouched for almost 2 decades. she quickly made her way to another door this one was unlocked. she opened it to see something covered in a white sheet. she carefully pulled of the sheet to revel her dads Red Ferrari. she opened the door and hopped in the drives seat. wow she couldn't believe her dad drove such a cool car. she looked around hoping to find something detectives missed but nothing, she was about to give up when she felt something in between the seat and the console. she tried to grab it but her had wouldn't fit. she looked around for anything she could find and that's when she spotted a pair of tweezers. after a few failed attempts she finally got it. she looked at the object trying to figure out what it was and that's when she realized it was her dads navy seal ring. it wasn't really evidence but it was something, something special that she couldn't wait to give back to her dad once she found him. she put it on her finger, it was a bit to big but she didn't care. she got out of the car and that's when she saw the keys to the Ferrari, she was going to take them but decide it was best to leave them there.

she started heading for the front door when she accidentally knocked over a box she tried to catch it but it hit the floor with a loud thud and that's when she heard Zeus and Apollo start barking. she quickly ran back into the grudge and hid behind the car. she turned her flashlight off as she heard the door open. she could hear her mom calling out. she held her breathe as she heard the grudge door open. she peak around and could see her mom looking around and after a few moments she turned the lights off and left. she waited a few minutes before making her way out of the guest house, she would have to come back again to look at her dads files. she quickly ran back to the main house and quickly crept back into her room. she jumped on her bed laying down relived that she didn't get caught. she looked at her dads ring which she wore on her finger, she couldn't stop wondering how it ended up in between the drives seat and the console. she decide it was time for bed and that she would figure it out in the morning.

the next day at HPD

After a very long flight The BAU finally arrived at the Hawaii police department. "HI I'm Aaron Hotchner unit chief of the BAU and I'm looking for detective katsumoto" said Hotch. "well you found him, Hi I'm detective Gordan Katsumoto" Said Katsumoto extending his hand for agent Hotchner to shake. "This is SSA Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, DR. spencer Reid and our tech analysis Penelope Garcia" said Hotch introducing his team. "follow me I'll show you where you can set up" said Katsumoto. the team followed him to a small conference room with one window that looked out into the Ballpen. "This is perfect" said Hotch. "we'd like to start by talking to Emma magnum do you know where she is" asked JJ. "I hope she was at school, I'll take you guys there" says Katsumoto. "thank you" said JJ warmly. "JJ you and Emily go to talk to Emma the rest of us will get set up here" said Hotch express less. JJ and Emily looked at each other and followed detective katsumoto to his car.

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