Yuusuke Asahina x Reader (Brothers Conflict)

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This was requested by someone on Quotev.

You were just scribbling down random things in your notebook, ignoring the chatter of the students around you. You got this weird feeling, as if someone was staring. You looked up, only to make eye contact with your friend, Yuusuke Asahina. He was staring at you, but you were unsure whether he was daydreaming or not. So you waved your hand in front, curious to see if this will do the trick. And it did. He flinched so hard he knocked his knee against his desk causing him to groan and rub it. When you laughed, his face turned a light shade of red. You closed your notebook and put it into your backpack before getting up and walking over to your friend.

'Why were you staring?' You couldn't help but chuckle.

'N-No reason!' Yuusuke huffed. 'You hurt my knee.'

'Are you accusing me of something I didn't do?' You crossed your arms with a frown.

'... no.'

You couldn't help but laugh before noticing a letter on his desk.

'Oh? Got a love letter?'

'Of course not!'

You wanted to take it to tease him with it, but he had slammed his hand on it, his face now bright red.

'I-It's something private and personal.'

'Oh, come on, you can tell me.' You gave him a smile, and you swear you saw him turn even redder.

'No, I can't.' You tried to take it, really wanting to know who would send him a letter with a heart sticker to keep the letter closed, but he got up, yelling. 'Just drop this topic, okay?!'

He crumbled it before throwing it into his backpack.

'It's not as if I would ever d-date you, so don't get your hopes up!'

Your smile slowly fell as this ache formed in your stomach and your chest painfully tightened. Yuusuke stared at you with wide eyes, as if realizing what he said before he awkwardly picked up his bag.

'I, euhm...' There was silence for a few seconds before he asked, 'I'm having trouble with homework, c-can you help me after school?' Before you could answer, he added in a hurried tone, 'At my place.'

'Euhm... sure, I can help you.'

Studying together in his room after what he had said was very awkward and uncomfortable. You were writing down the answers on your papers, mostly focused on trying to find an excuse to how to leave and go back home because the awkwardness in the room was becoming unbearable.

'Do you, erm... want snacks or such?' Yuusuke spoke up, tapping his pen on the paper.

When you glanced up, he was staring at his paper very intensly, a frown on his face as if he was wondering if that was the right thing to ask.

'Sure, I would like some snacks.' You nod, watching him stand up hurriedly.

'I-I will go get them then!' He ran to the door before he turned and mumbled, 'I will be back in a few minutes.'

You gave him a nod so he nod back before he opened the door and left.

You both continued doing the homework, now with snacks and some drinks. It was less awkward now so you weren't focused on finding an excuse to leave anymore. As you wrote down an answer, noticed his foot nervously tapping.

'Why are you nervous?' You curiously ask him.

'No reason...' He put his other foot over the tapping one to stop his foot.

As you continued writing, could feel he wants to say something but he didn't. When you finally got enough and were about to ask him what's wrong, he suddenly yelled,

'I'm sorry!'

'... for?'

'F-for what I said.' He blushed, 'Th-That I wouldn't want you as my date... I'm sorry.'

'Oh, it's okay.' You forced a smile. 'You just said how you feel about m-'

'No!' He cut you off. 'I didn't, I would l-like you as my date!'

You didn't know what to reply causing this very awkward silence. He suddenly got up and hurried to his desk, where his backpack laid. He opened it with shaky fingers before he pulled out the crumbled letter. He put it on the desk, trying to flatten it the best he can with his palm before he held it out to you.

'I... I made it for you.' As you took it, he added, 'Don't expect it to be good...'

You pulled the heart sticker that held the letter closed off before pulling the card inside out. It was a pink card with a red heart that had "Please go on a date with me" written on it. You opened it to see a lot of messy scribbling inside, many words that were scratched out. Some of the sentences were;

"You are beautiful and fun.", "I always enjoy spending time with you.", and "I like you a lot, so please go out with me. Or be my lover, no, that's probably too fast, let's start with a date."

When you chuckled, he glanced only to blush and mumble,

'I-I forgot to scratch that last sentence out...'

'This is very cute.' You close the card, unable to hide the smile that grew on your face. 'I would love to go on a date with you.'

'R-really?!' A dorkish grin grew on his face.

When you nod, he happily cheered. You couldn't help but laugh before giving his cheek a kiss,

'Come on, we first have to do our homework, then we can go on that date.'

'O-of course.'

Yuusuke nod before sitting down, picking up his pen, and writing down the answers to the homework. He doesn't think he has ever gotten homework done that quickly.

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