What's Behind The Facade?

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Technoblade seems to have a very peculiar relationship with some entity... and an even more peculiar with the blind man in the village.


Facade from Jekyll and Hyde

A/N: I'll explain everything eventually, no worries. Also, yes, love triangle in the making, ya'll will have to choose your fighter eventually, so for now just enjoy this convoluted story.


"Oh, have you seen that gentleman with the pink hair?"

"Oh, yes, isn't he so charming? I wonder if he has a girlfriend...?"

"Why? Interested, Liv?"

"Whaaaaaaaaaat? No, no way, I already have my dear weaponsmith."

"Well, I am interested."

"Elva! Don't you already have your eyes on that wandering trader?"

"Hah! If I wait for that one to wander back in my life, I'll grow so old I might as well be a zombie. Now, that pinkett with the fancy clothes and cape? That's a catch!"

That conversation would be ten times better if it was to happen as far away from Technoblade as possible. It's not that he isn't flattered that they think he's so good-looking, since it means his potion is working as it should, but he'd very much enjoy his day more without people falling for him thanks to his fake looks.

If only people knew what beast he hides.

He can feel a headache incoming. Why is he in the middle of a village anyways?

Oh, right, he needs some ingredients for his potion, and the injury caused by his—not Techno's, but his—little "adventures" makes it too bothersome for him to go get them himself. Luckily, this village is on the way to his house, and here he might be able to rest for a bit, until his injury stops making him see stars every time he moves.

Maybe that will teach him to take better care of Techno's body when he's the one behind the wheel.

And so, what's left is to people-watch. There is only so much time one can spend in an old hotel room, and he has already updated his trusty journal with the results of his travels and his travels. So he sits on a wooden bench by the fountain in the middle of the village, boredly watching as people play their roles around him as the sun burns the day away.

The girls gossiping about him while literally sitting a bench away from him? He'll bet one emerald they envy the other, one a free spirit who can't get a relationship, the other a compromised soul who craves for spontaneity. The mentioned weaponsmith? Maybe faithful in the eyes of the onlooker, but his eyes are very much glued in the daughter of the potato farmer. The daughter who clearly wants more than potatoes and harsh sun, but smiles happily to her father's incessant blabbering about keeping the family's business going. The farm is obviously blind to his daughter's feelings, yet prouds himself in being the one to raise her to a great adult, boasting to a fisherman that nods despite having tuned the farmer out minutes ago.

Wherever one looks, there is a facade. A mask to upkeep. A role to play.

It's tiring to just look at it all.

That's why Techno likes the Iron Golems. They don't have a facade to maintain. They walk around, they offer flowers to children and they attack violent beings. Couldn't be clearer their feelings: Patrols are cool, children are chill, don't fuck with me.

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