The Green Blur, This Lucky Bloody Swell!

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A/N: This is part 2 of 2!


Dream is not known for being needlessly reckless. He knows his skills and his limits, and he has confidence that his trained mind and body won't simply give up on him.

So when he leaves for the night, he knows he'll be able to deal with whatever the storm brings. In fact, he's more than prepared, having felt the storm coming the night before. If anyone asks, he won't be able to tell them how exactly he knows when a storm is coming. He just does. In the middle of the night he'll wake up with something akin to electricity running under his skin like a disturbing caress, alerting him of the incoming rainfall.

Curiously, the same charged feeling follows him this night as he tears through monsters. Storms always bring out the worst of them, as if the buzzing of lightning and the loud symphonies of the thunder are to them the sweetest lullaby. Creepers are specially attracted to them, and charged creepers are some of the most annoying creatures, because just exploding wasn't enough, they have to get an explosion that is almost ten times stronger than the usual.

Dream leaps off of the zombie he just ambushed, quickly cutting a skeleton in the middle with a swift movement of his sword. He usually prefers axes for battles, but against so many enemies, a double blade is better. He twirls on his feet, sending monsters away from him, their bodies falling on the ground, the pouring rain quickly washing away the dust they rapidly deteriorate to.

Something hisses behind him, a sound almost too low for him to hear with the sounds of the storm resonating all around him, but he manages to turn just in time to shield himself from the explosion of a creeper with the shield he crafted earlier in the day. The strength of it sends him flying at one of the trees, his back hitting it painfully, making him see stars for a second as he slides down the trunk of the tree, legs momentarily weak. In his disoriented state, a skeleton manages to hit his shoulder with an arrow, sending even more waves of pain through his body.

Damn, that will be a pain to hide tomorrow.

Quite literally.

He's glad he's nowhere close to the village, and that the Iron Golems are fully repaired and wandering between the houses. That creeper would have brought a weaker wall down without much trouble, injuring whoever was close to it and exposing the people inside. The mere thought of it makes his blood boil and his resolve harden. He can't stay in the village for long, he knows Jschlatt is not going to rest until he gets what he wants, and the dear President wants the blonde's head at all costs. Staying would be far too dangerous for both him and the village, but it doesn't mean he won't help as much as possible.

Dream exhales heavily, willing his knees to stabilize as he quickly takes cover behind the trunk of the tree just as another arrow makes its way to where his head had been a second ago. The arrow sticking out of his shoulder is a hassle, and the blonde barely flinches as he pulls it out without much care. Warm blood covers his green shirt—the shirt he only dares wear in the silence of the night—, but he can't afford to worry about it now, doing a quick job of grabbing one of the bandages he keeps on his pant pockets—a habit he has learned through years of surviving—and covering the injury to the best of his abilities. It hurts to move, and the pouring rain hitting it is not helping, but the man is just as stubborn as the crying sky and readies his sword and shield.

The skeleton that shot him meets its demise soon enough, bones turning into dust and being washed away, empty eye sockets staring at its killer with no emotion.

Dream hears another muffled hissing from behind, but this time he meets the creeper with the sword, iron blade cutting through the green monster with deadly precision, cutting it in half. The creature fades away like the others, however Dream can't afford to watch it.

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