Oikawa||| Manager (M*)

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Dom Oikawa, Caught masturbating, Sort of rough, blowjob, Shy y/n
Wc: 2414
"How come our manager is so mean!?" Oikawa whined, kicking a nonexistent rock on the gym floor. His hands were in his gym shorts, his posture weak, and a large pout on his pretty face. He was sadly looking at a volleyball that laid in front of him.

Iwazumi glared at the whining boy unamused. Oikawa had complained about the manager, not because she was mean, but because she would simply deny his pathetic requests of going on a cheesy date with him.

"You're a child, shittykawa." Iwazumi snarled while rolling his eyes. He flicked a finger on the back of the brunette's head, earning a dramatic whimper.

"Everyone's so mean to me!" Oikawa cried, throwing his arms up into the air.

Volleyballs were scattered around them from their previous practices, and they were stuck cleaning the gym since everyone else left for the night. Oikawa had taken the chance to complain about his sad love life with the team manager.

"She said that she wasn't interested! Can you believe that! Have I lost my charm, Iwa!? Am I not lovable anymore!" Oikawa sulked.

"You were never loveable in the first place." Iwazumi stated while hastily picking up the volleyballs, and stuffing them into his arms.

Oikawa chucked a ball at him, hitting the wing spiker straight in the temple. Iwazumi turned around with a visible scowl on his face, looking as if he was scheming a death plan for his fellow teammate.

"H-Heads up?" Oikawa murmured, attempting to coverup his purposeful throw.

"I'll stick your head up your ass that's what!" Iwazumi yelled, chasing after the brunette.

Y/n's POV

       "Ah, y/n." Iwazumi called out to reach my attention. I turned around, facing with the tall wing spiker. Beads of sweat formed at his temple, and was running down his tan neck.

"What's up? You look tired." I stated. It was the night before a game against Karasuno that evening, and everyone had stayed in a dorm room waiting for the awaited match that followed the next day.

"Yeah.. Oikawa and I stayed a bit late to practice some more. Is everyone asleep?" He asked.

"Yeah they are. They were exhausted from the practice match you guys hosted beforehand." I replied. "Where's Oikawa?"

"He's dragging his feet, probably near the washrooms. He's been sulking the entire time like a literal child." Iwazumi sighed, placing a palm on his forehead revealing his frustration toward the setter.

"Oh alright, I was just heading to the bathrooms. I'll drag the drama queen back here while I'm at it." I laughed. He nodded with a grin, entering the dorm room and waving to me. I waved back, starting my little walk to the bathrooms.

I flattened out my long sleeve as I headed down the hall way. Everyone had their own sleeping bags, and were fairly close to one another. Matsukawa had his arm swung over Hannamaki's face, snoring so loudly that I felt bad for the rest of the team trying to sleep. My bed was positioned farther from the boys considering how dangerous they can be in their sleep. What I mean by dangerous is, just being stupid. They flail like animals, ending up having mid night fights and arguments. I sometimes wonder why I ever volunteered to become the manager for this team.

"Ngh.. ah!"

What was that? Is somebody already in the bathrooms? I decided to walk up to the bathroom door, pressing my ear against it.

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