Tendou Satori *M||| Freak

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Tendou Satori. The so called "freak" of the school. He was lean, tall, talented, and dedicated to his sport. Each day I could hear how the groups of girl students would talk about him. Each week seemed to have a new story.

"What a freak!"

"He's so scary.. I heard that he is in some kind of gang!"

"Well I heard that he takes advantage of girls who go near him. He's bad news!"

Gossip was all what seemed to radiate around the volleyball player. Ever since I had come to this school, it's been the same thing. He's now a third year, and his attitude towards the rude students hadn't changed. He simply ignored them.

He obviously could hear the mean words they would say. Rumours spread within a day at this school, there was no way he couldn't know about this continuous bullying.

The only people I knew who would turn down those lies were his teammates and well, me. Wakatoshi, the ace of the volleyball team always seemed to protect him. He was scary to say the least. Practically a walking tower. Each day I saw how vibrant Tendou was around Ushijima, he seemed in literal paradise whenever he was surrounded with his teammates.

Although, one day, it must come to an end. Third year can't last forever.


"Ah! Y/n!" Tendou cheered, waving at me from the gymnasium.

They were practicing for their up coming tournament against Karasuno. They all seemed pretty calm, even if it was the win that really mattered. If they won, they'd go to finals and continue to play. If not, it would all end.

I waved back with a smile, walking over to them. Considering I was the manager of Shiratorizawa, I was always around Tendou. In fact, I was the closest to the vibrant middle blocker. A lot of rumours hovered around myself as well, but it didn't bother me as much as the rumours that directed towards Tendou.

"How's our amazing manager doing!?" He laughed, walking in front of me.

The one thing I noticed about Tendou, was that he liked to keep his distance from me. He never came more than a couple feet in front of me. He never touched me and rather went out of his way to do so. Was it because of the rumours? He never did that towards his teammates. Perhaps because their all men.

"I'm doing pretty good! What time is the tournament game?" I asked, setting my bag down on the gym bench. His eyes lit up, a wide smile appearing on his cute face.

"We'll be taking the bus to it tomorrow morning! Tonight we're taking time to practice before the game. So you don't have to stay here once practice ends if you don't want too!" He smiled.

"Don't work yourself too hard." I scolded, frowning at the boy.

"Don't worry about me y/n-chan~ I won't stay here too long. In fact, I'll be the only one staying after practice. I just want to perfect my perfection." He joked.

I pondered for a moment. I wouldn't mind coming a long with him to help serve or help
him with blocks. It might give me a chance to learn more myself! Before I could respond, Semi threw a ball towards Tendou, instead landing in my arms.

"Tendou, come on we don't have much time until practice ends." He stated. Semi jogged back towards the net, briefly talking to Ushiwaka.

"Alright, alright~" Tendou sang. He turned to me, looking down at the volleyball. I reached my arms out, gesturing for him to take it. He looked up at me hesitantly before reaching over and grasping the ball, our fingers lightly brushed against each other.

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