Kenma||| Stubborn M*

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       "Kuroo, it's not appropriate to have our female manager in the same dorm with 10 men. Why couldn't you booked a second dorm for her while we stayed in Tokyo!?" Kenma snapped, pointing his finger directly at Kuroo.

"I don't understand." Kuroo replied naively, finishing setting up his own sleeping bag.

I could feel the anger radiating from Kenma. Kuroo was acting oblivious on purpose because he was too lazy to book a second dorm room for the couple of nights here in Tokyo.

"What is it that you don't understand!? Lev snores like a hog, you sleep walk, and Yamamoto is a pervert!" Kenma proclaimed. "The least we're can do is give her a separate room in this dorm." Kenma sighed.

I awkwardly stood near the door, watching how my boyfriend argued with the captain. He usually didn't care what happened as long as he could bring his switch along with him, but this time it was different since it was my first year as manager. Meaning, he had to share me with the rest of the group. He didn't look like it, but he was definitely the jealous type.

"There's only three rooms, if we give one to her then we'd only have two." Kuroo yawned, stretching out his arms over his head. Yamamoto chimed in from behind Kuroo, finally processing what Kenma had said about him.

"I'm not a pervert! What the hell Kenma?!" He shouted, shaking a fist with an angry face. I was surprised Lev hadn't said anything, but it soon made sense once I heard the snoring. What Kenma said was true. Being the only woman on the team, it would be at least nice to have a separate room to myself.

Kenma rolled his eyes. He pressed a forefinger on Kuroo's chest, leaning in. "Well, split the two rooms and give the one to Y/n!" Kenma scowled, already pissed from the current events in the bus.

Yamamoto and Lev were singing the entire bus ride there, but rather in a vocal voice, they screamed the lyrics. Kenma held in his anger since I convinced him it wouldn't be as bad once we got there. I couldn't have been more wrong..

Kenma, even though he looked quiet and kind of a pushover, he was terrifying when he was pissed. It's rare when his patience breaks. The only time I've ever seen him so angry was when Kuroo broke his favourite gaming controller. I swear I witnessed a murder that day.

"What?! That would leave us with four each room! That's way too much. Lev takes up practically half a room himself! His legs are like barbarian weapons. I want to sleep, not play survival of the fittest." Kuroo whined. He began to take off his shirt, discarding it in the room.

Kenma's expression had turned repulsive. "Do you have any boundaries!? Put your damn shirt back on!" Kenma scolded, throwing the black t-shirt at Kuroo's face. Kuroo threw his jeans at Kenma in return, hitting him straight in the face. I turned around, not wanting to see the captain in his tighty whities.

"You stubborn dumbass!" Kenma snapped, ripping the sleeping bag covers off of him. Kuroo lazily fought back, whining loudly.

"OK, OK. SHE CAN HAVE THE DAMN ROOM! LET ME SLEEP!" Kuroo fake cried. Out of all the noise I was the most impressed that Lev was still asleep. Then again, it's Lev. What was I expecting?

Kenma let go. He proceeded to drag the two sleeping bags out of the third room, replacing it with mine and his.

"Ah!? How come you get to sleep in the same room with her!?" Yamamoto whined. Kenma turned around with a menacing glare.

"As if I'd sleep in the same room with you morons when my girlfriend is here with us. I know your tricks Yamamoto." He snarled, turning around and grasping my wrist. He pulled the both of us into the small room, closing the door behind us.

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