Tomino's Hell (Satan and Lucifer x Reader)(M.S: Part 2)

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[A/n: I probably should have mentioned this in my last chapter, but for the remainder of October, I'm doing a mini series of one shots that mainly focus on Japanese urban legends and your experience with the brothers! So if there's a specific legend with a specific brother you'd like to see, let me know (I already have ideas for the Hanako-san and the Aka Manto legends)!]

You were in Satan's bedroom and you were browsing through the internet on your D.D.D when something crossed your screen. Satan was looking for a book to read, and he saw your curious face. "Is something on your mind?" He asked.

"Oh, I saw this thing online." You said, "It's some kind of cursed poem or something."

"Cursed poem? Let me see." He said.

You handed your D.D.D to him and he saw what it was. "I think I've heard of this." He said, "Tomino's Hell. It's a very serious curse."

"What does it do?" You asked.

"If you read it out loud, you'll be cursed with misfortune and terrible things could happen either to you or those around you. You must take responsibility for any actions you'd do." Said Satan.

"That's bulls**t." You said.

"(Y/n), you do know that curses actually exist in the Devildom, right? You may not want to trigger what it'll intend."

"It's just some thing the humans made up way back." You said, "Nothing will happen."

"You're really going to do it?" Asked Satan.

"I'm not scared." You said, "I'm gonna read it."

Satan had a concerned look on his face as you pulled up the poem. You took a deep breath and began to read the poem. "His older sister vomited blood. His younger sister vomited fire. And the cute Tomino vomited glass beads."

Satan continued to look concerned. "Tomino fell into Hell alone. Hell is wrapped in darkness and even the flowers don't bloom. Is the person with the whip Tomino's older sister? I wonder who's blood is on it?"

It looked like Satan was about to cut you off, but you continued. "Hit, hit, without hitting. Infinite Hell's one road. Would you lend him to the dark Hell, to the sheep of gold, to the Bush warbler? Fit as much as you can in the leather sack for the preparation of the journey into the familiar Hell."

It looked like Satan was getting angry. "Spring is coming even in the forest and the stream." You continued, "Even in the seven valley streams of the dark Hell. The Bush warbler in the birdcage, the sheep in the wagon. Tears in the eyes of cute Tomino. Cry bush warbler toward the raining forest. He shouts that he misses his little sister."

Satan went onto his D.D.D to send you a text to distract you, knowing you were too focused on the poem to pay attention to him. "The crying echo reverberates throughout Hell. The fox peony blooms. Circling around Hell's seven mountains and seven streams, the lonely journey of cute Tomino."

"Why isn't she getting the message?!" Thought Satan angrily, "This is taking too long to send!"

"If they're in Hell, bring them to me." You proceeded, "The needle of the graves. I won't pierce with the red needle in the milestones of little Tomino."

You finished reading the poem, only for your D.D.D to buzz. You saw it was from Satan and give him a straight face. "Don't say I didn't warn you." He said.

You just sighed. You heard the door knocking and heard Lucifer say, "It's time for bed."

You sighed and said to Satan, "I'll see you in the morning."

You left Satan's room and went to yours. "I'm already in Hell, so nothing bad will happen!" You thought.

For a while you've mentioned the Devildom as Hell, so surely you wouldn't get dragged away from the House of Lamentation.

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