Hope's plan

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Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot!

Lizzie's POV: I knew I was no longer in the gym right away, yet something felt...wrong. It was somehow colder than it was before too. The tips of my fingers were chilled to the bone. I tried to move them, but they were numb. 

I shivered and opened my eyes.

The first thing I noticed was the fact that I was in dad's office. The second thing is that dad and Mg are also here. Dad's sitting at his desk with his head in his hands, and Mg is sitting in front of me, oddly quiet. 

They looked sad.

"Dad", I croaked out, wincing at the sound of my voice in the otherwise quiet room. 

He looked up from his desk, and looked over at me. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy as if he's been crying. The corner of his lips forced up into a smile when he spotted me, but I could tell something was wrong. The smile fell within seconds as if he didn't have the strength to keep faking it. 

The next thing I knew, Mg was crushing me into a hug as dad got to his feet. "Hey, I'm glad you're okay", he whispered, pulling away as dad swept me into his arms, the crushing weight nearly suffocating me. He held on too tightly, too desperately, but I welcomed it nonetheless.

Then, I was reminded of the coldness. It clawed at my insides, and tore at my chest where my heart should be. 

I felt empty. 


I sunk into my father's warmth, but it only made it worse.

He stepped back as I pulled away, looking around the room. "Did it work", I asked them. "Hope's plan. Did it work", I questioned. "What happened", I asked, looking around the room wildly.

It was oddly still.


I forced myself to pause when I caught a dark shadow in the corner of the room. Squinting my eyes, I made out the outline of someone leaning against the wall as a breath of relief left my lips. "Jo? Is that you", I asked hopefully. 

That means that the plan worked right, and the black magic is gone?

"Lizzie", the spoke up, walking out of the shadows as my face dropped. I looked back at my dad, but his eyes were wet and clenched shut. A tear slipped through, falling down his cheek.

Did he get hurt?

Was he in pain?

"The plan didn't work", Hope whispered, trying to act strong, but I saw the way her jaw trembled, heard the way her voice cracked around her words.

"No, I...", I trailed off in confusion.

What happened?

"How am I here? I thought she...", I paused.

When I walked into that gym, I just knew I wasn't walking back out. I could feel it. Even now, it made my skin crawl, but I accepted it. If it was the only way to save Josie, then I was all for it. "How am I alive", I asked them.

"The Necromancer", Mg spoke up, causing me to glance in his direction. "He had a plan of his own", he explained. "While Josie was distracted, he...", he choked out.  

"He had Alyssa do a spell that transferred the black magic into himself", Hope finished as silent tears streamed down her face.

"Wha-what do you mean ", I asked, dread forming in the pit of my stomach.

Dad's jaw clenched when he looked up at me, his gaze everywhere but nowhere at the same time. He looked angry, bitter, far away. Almost as if we weren't in the same room. "You won the merge, Lizzie", he said, refusing to look me in the eyes.

I gasped, opening and closing my mouth in shock as my mind swam, struggling to pull air into my lungs. "No", I murmured softly, begging it all to be some kind of twisted joked, as I shook my head, my chest tightening. "No. You're lying", i tried yelling, but it came out no louder than a whisper. Tears built up in my eyes as my heart shook.

No, she's alright. 

I just spoke with her earlier. 

I felt her.

Searching deep within myself, tears ran down my face as I shook my head tearfully. 


There's nothing. The twin bond that I had grown to love was gone. 

I was empty. Cold.

"I need you to breath for me", dad said, grabbing me by the shoulders. I looked around the room, noticing the tears in Mg's eyes, and how defeated Hope looked. I shook my head as my tears consumed me. I couldn't stop crying, but nothing felt real. Everything's fine. This is all just a really bad dream. I closed my eyes, pleading with myself to wake up, but with each passing second the reality of the situation hit me harder. "Breath", he instructed. 

I can't. I just can't. My lungs were shaking and it felt like they would burst. "She's gone", dad whispered brokenly. "Your sister's gone", he said.

I let out what sounded like a sob and a whimper as I pushed my dad away from me. I couldn't bare to look at him. Couldn't bare the sight of him looking at me like I was just another creature that needed to be slaughtered, a monster.

All the memories we shared here together.

It just doesn't seem real.

"No, this wasn't supposed to happen", I sniffed, looking up into their eyes. "I-it was supposed to be me", I cried as my lips trembled. "I was ready to die", I choked out as everything spun around me. I shook my head tearfully as I grabbed at my hair.

Digging my nails into my skin, I dragged them down my face, leaving angry, red marks as a scream slipped passed my lips, shaking the school. 

She's gone. 

She's really gone.

Had she suffered? Did it hurt? Or did she just slip away as if she was going to sleep?

I ran my hands back over my face. My body shaking violently as I held my hands up to inspect them. 


They're covered in blood.

My blood.

Josie's blood.

Oh God. I'm a murderer.

I killed her.

I killed my twin.

I heard yelling as someone shook my shoulders, but everything sounded as if I was underwater with no way of getting back to the surface.

Was this what it felt like to drown?

Was I dying? 

Another scream tore from my lips as my vision reddened. I panicked, clawing at my throat as if someone was choking me. 

Quickly getting to my feet, I shoved my father away again as everyone surrounded me. Looking around for an escape, the world around me spun as my stomach churned. "I need to get out of here", I gasped. "I need to...", I got out before my legs gave out as my vision darkened.

I expected myself to hit the ground, but dad quickly caught me. 

No, not dad.


Happy Halloween everyone!🎃👻☠️🤡

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