Chapter 4

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Jill's POV

I yawned at the squad car for the nth time today. Yesterday really gave me a fright. It made me sad knowing that Sam felt the same thing every time I walked out the front door.

Sam and the others doesn't have a class today. The school declared a holiday to give the students ample time to rest. After that terrifying experience both the students and the staff would need counseling and the school's currently preparing everything while the student were out.

"Long night partner?" Kim teased and grin.

"I wish." I sighed. "It took a while for Sam and I to fall asleep. We just cuddled and closed out eyes but the sandman didn't came until the wee hours."

"I understand. Yesterday was frightening. There's nothing more scarier than knowing your love one in danger." Kim was right. I was more scared of loosing Sam than loosing my own life.

Yesterday's event took me back to three years ago when Sam was attacked by three cold blooded murderers. We weren't even close back then. She was just an acquaintance and I'm just being a good samaritan. But even then, I knew that the moment our eyes met, there's something different about her.

She was special.

She was my first love.

She was my first kiss.

She was my first everything.

"Hey... How do you and Erin deal with it?" I asked.

"Erin knew the risk of my job. She understand it and accepted it. She just made me promise to be careful and not become a hero."

"Don't be a hero?" I didn't quite understand her sentiment.

"Most heroes die." She started. "She had a brother who died in a fire. Erin told me that an apartment building was burning and he happened to be walking around the area. He heard the cry of help and without thinking, he went to save a girl. The fire was already too big when the firemen came and they were both trapped. However, he managed to throw the girl into the arms of a fireman before the sealing collapsed on him."


"My brother also died a hero. He was in the army. They were making rounds and their squad had been ambushed. He pulled one of his fallen men from the crossfire. He managed to pull two soldiers into safety before he was shot to death. He used his body to shield the third soldier." It was so sad. They gave their lives unconditionally to save the lives of others. Sam sometimes teased me about being her hero, for saving her and from saving the boy from years before.

Was it luck that I survived?

All I could do now was to fulfill my duties to protect and serve without being reckless and to ensure that Kim wont be at our front door making a notification.

Having these doubts, I wonder if I could still give my hundred percent to this job. However, this was not only a job. It's my passion and calling.

I sighed.

"You can take a day off if you wanted. I'll cover for you." Kim offered.

"It's okay. I'm okay." I smiled at her. "Thanks partner." I need to focus and remove my doubts because it's not only my life that was on stake every time I rode this car. Kim's life was also at my hand as well as the lives of my brothers and sisters in blue.

Sam's POV

Jill was already gone when I woke up. Her side of the bed was already cold, meaning she left before the sun even rises. I wonder if she got any sleep.

Yesterday had been terrifying. Being in that room, full of scared students, being a room away from the gunman who was also carrying a bomb as reported in the news was something that I never thought I'd experience.

These was the third time that I have been in these kind of situation. The first one was when my parents were killed. The psychological effect on me was enormous that I was not able to speak nor feel any emotions for a long time.

Then there was Jill.

She had been my pillar.

She pulled me out from the empty and dark hole that I have been hiding.

She saved me from three cold blooded murderers.

She accepted me and loved me unconditionally.

She had been the best thing that happened to me.

However, every time she walked out the door, I can't help but be afraid if she will be coming home.

I wonder if she would choose a different career if she hadn't met me. I knew the real reason that she wanted to be a cop and that reason alone made me feel guiltier than ever.

Jill's POV

"Calling all units, we have a possible sniper shooting at Moon Cafe in the east side of City State University. All available units respond and take caution."

"Roger that." I spoke at radio while Kim drove to the destination.

There were already several police cars on the scene and from a distance, I saw a couple of ambulance on their way.

"Sergeant! What can we do?" Kim asked the officer in charge.

"The area had already been secured and witness' statement were being collected. I want you two to help those officers to scan that building." He pointed at the old building directly in front of the cafe. "And search for the nest."

We saluted and ran towards the building.

We were informed that three pairs of officers have already entered by the officer that secured the entrance. He gave us some details and we sprinted towards our designated floor.

"I found it!" I said. "The shooter was in this room. He left one bullet casing."

"Nice work Jill!" Kim praised. "I'll go radio the sergeant."

"Thanks Kim!"

Sam's POV

"My feet are killing me!" I whined. "Why did I ever let you two take me shopping?" I exaggeratedly sighed.

"Therapy!" Mia beamed. "Yesterday was traumatic so we needed some girl time."

"Besides, we're so busy in our studies that we haven't bonded in the long time!" Nica added.

"Walking for hours in this mall was more traumatic than yesterday." I retorted. "I bet it'll be more fun if we just stay in, watch movies and eat lots of junk food."

"You and Jill were really alike. You both rather lay in the couch than stroll the mall." We laughed.

"Anyways... It'll be dark soon. Why don't we call it a night and order some pizza!" I suggested.

"Okay! You win! But you're paying for the pizza!" Mia joked.

"No problem." I smiled. In this situation, I'll be willing to give them anything just to go home. My feet hurts.

With both hands filled with shopping bags, the girls and I walked towards the outside parking lot.

"Stop!!!" I heard someone yelled and as I was about to turn around, someone or something hit me. Then the rest was blur.

"Jerks!" I heard Mia yelled.

"What happened?" I asked while Nica helped me up.

"A guy's being chased by two men. The first one pushed you while the other two gave chase." Mia explained as she help me dust my pants.

"Do you think those two were police?" Nica asked.

"Maybe... Maybe not." I answered. "Let's just go home." Somehow... I got a bad feeling about this.

A/N: Details of the shooting can be read on 'Strangers In The Park' chapter 14 while the thorough investigation can be read at 'High Stakes' chapter 5 onwards.

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