Safar - A journey : @Psr1403

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Book : Safar - A journey

Written by : Psr1403

Judge : PeherKothari


Cover - 8/10
Plot- 7/10
Character development- 6/10
Flow- 8/10
Dialogue/Expression- 7/10
Overall - 7/10

Total 72/100

The title of the book is good. The blurb is good but it's more like a gist rather than a prologue. It is quite like a number of stories on Wattpad, you need to write something that makes your story different than yours. The cover is good, the main cast are supporting on the picture but it didn't look messy which was a plus point.

The very first thing I would say is you need to write a Warning note.
Some people actually do  suffer the way you have mentioned in your book, and reading something like this may trigger their traumas. A short note to warn people suffering from PTSD, Depression would be nice.

Coming to book, trauma and all, according to me are common topics. One of the partner suffers, the other one helps them. But here it's their friends, that was something I really liked.

However you need to work on some points, grammar, it is good but can be better. There are a number of such errors here and there.

One thing I noticed, the dialogues are raw, they need to be polished. They do not bring out the emotion as they should.

Overall, reading the book was quite good. I would say, a good job done on the writer's part!

Reviews By PeherKothariWhere stories live. Discover now