Her Pain : @Love_u_cid

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Her Pain

Written by : Love_u_cid 

Judge : PeherKothari

Cover -6 /10
Plot- 8/10
Character development- 7/10
Flow- 7/10
Dialogue/Expression- 2/10
Overall - 7/10

Total- 64/100

The plot of the story was quite different from other books, I got a bit of "Lucifer" vibes in between.

There are so many grammatical errors, typo-errors. You would need to do take out time to edit the book.

One thing which took my heart out was the way of presenting Past and Present so perfectly, there was no confusion while reading, which is quote difficult to manage for almost every chpater.

Emotions are a huge part of a book, I felt them lacking somewhere! Maybe it was dialogues, I guess.

It took almost double the time to read your book, all dialogues are in Hindi. It was mentioned in rules, book must be in English with only a little in Hindi. I'm sorry dear, but Hindi isn't my mother tongue nor did I study it much in school. Though I understand much, it is very difficult for me. You can probably see, points are deducted in that area.

Overall, it took lot of efforts but was worth in the end.

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