Whom Will He Choose? : @Confused_Soul_Kriya

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Whom Will He Choose?

Written by : Confused_Soul_Kriya 

Judge : PeherKothari

Cover - 7/10
Plot- 6/10
Character development- 8/10
Flow- 9/10
Dialogue/Expression- 8/10
Overall - 9/10

Total- 80/100

The book was really good.

The book really went through unexpected turns at some places, at some point I guess AnuPre but twists, man those were really some good ones!

Even though, the love triangle plot is common but your way of presentation was good.

The book kept me hooked till end.

However, I was left unsatisfied with Nandini's point of view.
Getting she wasn't some saint, but he broke her two times, one before engagement and one before marriage.
Her views are as important as AnuPre's but they weren't given much importance, and I was disappointed there!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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