FRIDAY THE 15th : @Suk-24

19 1 0


Written by : Suk-24

Judge : PeherKothari

Cover - 6/10
Plot- 9/10
Character development- 8/10
Flow- 8/10
Dialogue/Expression- 9/10
Overall - 8/10

Total- 80 /100

Too many characters in the cover, the writer's name is also not visible.

The story starts like this, I feel like riding a Roller Coaster. Of course, parting, trips are fun part of youngsters so definitely it was really good reading this book.

The first thing I thought was, it to be horror! Like "The Cabin in the Woods," luckily it was not the case.

Ending of the book, was not up the mark. Although the end should generally mean peace, with this book of Thrill and Chase, I expected some kind of a 'bang'.

The major part of the book takes place in a day so mentioning the time, keeping up with the hour was a praiseworthy job.

Overall, I enjoyed reading the book.

Reviews By PeherKothariWhere stories live. Discover now