idiot's array

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"It doesn't have to be a big job, Jho." Kanan leaned his arms against the cool surface of the bar. "Just something to put fuel in the Ghost and food in our bellies."

"Sorry, Kanan." Jho apologized as he walked back towards Kanan and Echo. "Got nothing. But the stranger playing with Zeb over there said he was looking to hire a ship and crew." Kanan and Echo looked over their shoulders simultaneously to look at Zeb. He was seated at a table with a man, a Rodian, and Lexie and Chopper on either side of him. "Go talk to him."

Kanan downed the rest of his drink, set some credits on the counter, then patted Echo's shoulder. As Kanan slid off his chair, Echo spun in a circle in her's before hopping down and following after her brother. 

As they approached the table, more credits were added to the middle and the Rodian threw his cards down with an angry grunt and walked away.

"That looks promising." Echo commented quietly and Kanan inhaled sharply through his teeth. 

"Right?" He muttered, coming to stand behind Zeb. 

Lexie slid into the spot the Rodian had just left and put her chin in the palm of her hand, watching as Zeb looked at his cards for a moment. 

"Guess it's down to you and me." He said, looking at the man across the table. "Except uh..." He chuckled nervously, checking over his shoulder, only to see Kanan standing there. "It seems I'm all outta creds." Chopper banged one his arms on the edge of the table, chittering at Zeb. "So, I'll bet my droid."

"Oh, woah," Lexie sat up quickly, "You can't bet Chopper!"

"He's Hera's..." Kanan trailed off as Zeb showed him his hand of cards. 

"Hey, what does Zeb have?" Echo had walked around the table and was looking over the man's shoulder at his cards. "I have no clue what these cards mean-"

The man looked at her in confusion. "What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry," Lexie apologized to him, gesturing for Echo to come sit by her. "She's...I'm sorry."

"It's not like I'm the one playing." Echo said as she sat next to Lexie. "I'm just scouting out the competition."

Lexie sighed, shaking her head. "That's called cheating."

"Sabacc!" Zeb laughed, laying his cards out on the table. "I win."

"Not so fast." The man held out a hand to stop Zeb from pulling the credits towards himself. "It appears I have an Idiot's Array." Choppeer banged himself on the edge of the table. "Which makes you, well..."

"An idiot." Echo said, nodding wisely. "I totally know what that means."

Zeb growled, shooting Echo a look. "And what does that make you?" He shot at the stranger.

"Name's Calrissian." He said. "Lando Calrissian." He then waved to a man sitting at the bar who set some credits down for Jho before coming to stand behind Lando. "And this is my partner, Tych Kileon."

"An Idiot's Array!" Tych grabbed the cards off the table, inspecting htem. "Impressive! Did you cheat?"

Lando shoved his elbow backwards towards Tych, hitting him in the lower stomach. "When would I ever? All I need is my walking good luck charm, that's you." He then gave the crew a charming smile. "Now please, introduce me to my new droid."

 - - - - - - - 

The group from the cantina trudged back to where the Ghost was landed in a large open space of a field surrounded by small hills. 

As Zeb came up the ramp behind Chopper, he spoke over the droid's angry chittering. "Hi. I can explain."

Hera watched him walk past, her brow furrowed. "Explain what?" She looked to Lexie for answers first but she shook her head. 

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