Chapter 2 ~ S A S S

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After her incident with Cedric everyone praised Y/n. No one bothered to ask how she was doing about her mother because they were either too afraid or she shrugged it off acting like nothing happened. Cedric tried apologising and trying to get her back once he realised she was actually giving him a good reputation.

"Y/n please I'm sorry... don't forget we're the power couple" he begged

"Fuck off diggory" she scoffed and flipped him off. This happened mostly everytime he saw her.

I walked alone down the hall sucking on the lollipop I took from lunch.

"Hey y/n" I heard some girls quietly say as I walk past. I give them a smile as I continue to walk.

"Hey y/n how about me and you" I turn to see a dark haired boy wink at me and smirk, his mates laughing.

I slowly walk towards him sexually, I lean into him my mouth placed near his ear.

"In your dreams Gryffindor" I say seductively. His breathing becomes heavy and I back away winking at him before I make my way.

"You filthy little mud blood" I heard coming from the voice I most despise at end of the hall.

"Oh pansy don't you ever get sick of listening to your own voice" I spit as I make my way towards them. Malfoy who was stood behind pansy laughing, turned his head towards me in shock. His shocked face immediately turned to a smirk. He has the face of pure evil.

"Oh really Hermione, you need your little bodyguard to help?" pansy says avoiding eye contact with me but still looking at the brown haired girl. I step in front of Hermione so pansy would look me in the eyes.

"Are you really struggling to look me in the eyes pansy? I didn't take you for a pussy" I smile sarcastically. Draco chokes of laughter but turns it into a cough as pansy looks up at him with disgust.

"And why would I be scared of a dirty little pure blood who hasn't got a mummy" pansy starts to walk closer to me. Malfoy starts laughing. I stood there for a second trying to hold in every single tear that was threatening to leave my eye. The fact they found that funny is what hurt, especially Draco.

"Because you know I could take your man, and beat your ass right here" I finally spat. Malfoy looked at me shockedly.

"Whatever I don't have time for pathetic little girls" she rolls her eyes and walks away. Malfoy stood there still utterly baffled about what I said. I give him a fake smile and turn towards Hermione.

"Uh... thanks y/n" she thanked awkwardly.

"Gotta stand up for each other am I right?" I say giving her a genuine smile, she looks up hesitantly but a faint kind smile appears on her face.

"Yeah" she walked to her next lesson.

The thing is with Hermione I never really tried to make friends, she was interested in Cedric at one point which was of course awkward s so I didn't bother making friends. Our personalities were so different. She was a know it all which could be annoying where as I was just more adventurous. But pansy calling her a mud blood made my blood boil. Its just too rude. They've always been rude to people so I'm gonna stand up for whoever I can. I'm not afraid of them.

I went to walk away when the blonde boy called me.

"L/n!" I turn to face him, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle.

"What?" I question.

"How bout you come to my dorm later" he winks mocking Cedric from earlier which made his mates laugh behind him.

"You wish Malfoy" you put your middle finger up as you walked away swaying your hips a lot more than usual as you feel dracos eyes burn into your back.

Draco's POV
"Oh pansy, don't you ever get sick of listening to your own voice" I heard y/n walk towards us. She looked so godamn sexy with her knee high boots, short yellow skirt, her top buttons of her shirt undone and her tie not even neatly on. But she was just so annoying. I guess looks is all she's got. I smirk at the thought of how amusing this is going to be.

Never would I ever go for a Hufflepuff. They're completely different to us Slytherins. I mean Y/n always stood out compared to them, I really thought she was gonna be put into Slytherin . I think things could may have been different.

I've noticed since y/n has come back after the incident with her mother, she's been different. It's like her Slytherin side is peaking through, and I must say, it's making me want to bring it out in her.

"I didn't take you as a pussy" y/n faked smiled, bringing me back from my thoughts as I burst out into laughter, I quickly cough it off causing pansy to look up at me in disgust.

"And why would I be scared of a little pure blood who hasn't got a mummy" I laugh at Pansy's comment, but something made me feel slightly guilty. I shrugged those feelings off but I saw y/N's face and I could see it hurt her but she's hiding it. Maybe we're not so different after all..

"Because I can take your man and beat your ass right here" y/n finally managed to get out. My face drops, was she talking about me? No of course she wasn't.

Pansy walked away after surrendering to defeat.
I look back at y/n, she forced a fake smile at me a turned away. Her sassiness is thickening. Maybe... just maybe I can get it out of her.

"L/n!" I yell stopping her from walking away.


"Come to my dorm later" I wink, she flips me off strutting away. Moving her hips seductively. I can't help but stare.

"Damn I'd hit that" blaise says placing his arm on my shoulder while biting his fist lightly.

"Not if I get there first"'I say smugly not taking my eyes off her.

"No way would she do that, she hates you" blaise laughs. I gave him a death stare and he stopped laughing. I turned back to see y/n but she was gone...

"Wanna bet" I say smirking knowing I will get there.


I sat in charms with my chin in my hand staring into space. 'Why did Draco have a hint of worrisome in his eyes when pansy brought up my mother?' I thought to myself. Like he's always been so horrible, I never understood why. But i never ever cared as it was Draco saying it. I was the only one that wasn't scared. I was interrupted by the door opening. It was professor Mcgonagall.

"Y/n L/n, come with me please" I groan as I stand up knowing that Tia will breathe down my neck asking what happened. I grab my stuff leaving not making eye contact with any of them. Great wonder what this is gonna be about. We walked all the way to Dumbledores office in silence. I sat down of the chair in front of his desk. I cross my arms and slouch down into the chair.

"Miss L/n" dumbledore sighs. Oh god here we go...

A/n: hey guys just wondering what you're thinking so far. I know I've only done 2 parts but I like feedback ! :)

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