Chapter 3 ~ G A M E S

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Y/n sat there, nerves filling her body, she tried sitting as still as possible but could not. She fiddled with her fingers looking at the professor with pleading eyes. Her heart racing. I mean what possible news can she get that was worse than when her mother passed?

"Well, y/n obviously after the incident with your mother, we've noticed you haven't exactly been getting on well with your father" she bit her lip holding back her sobs of tears. She looked down at her fingers.

"If we're here to talk about my parents, then I want to leave, there's nothing else to say" she looked up confidently, taking a big gulp. The professors looked at her with shocked but sad faces knowing that she was keeping her emotions close to her. Dumbledore cleared his throat.

"Very well, you're also here because I heard about the incident with Cedric" his face serious.

"Look I promise it won't happen again" she give a faint smile that wasn't so truthful.

"I know y/n but you're behaviour has been changing" he said sternly.

"I'm sorry" she whispered not even sure if he heard it.

"Y/n you're a good student, I don't want anything to affect that. If you need to talk about something we're here...." the was a pause of silence for a few moment .

"You may leave" she takes one big sigh as she stands up leaving.

"YoU'rE a GoOd StUdEnT" she mocked as she rolled her eyes.

"Talking to yourself now L/n" she jumped a little and turned round to see Malfoy. The boy she despised but not as much as she thinks she does.

"Stalking me now Malfoy?" She spits

"And why the fuck would I want to stalk you?" He spits.

"I don't know Malfoy you tell me, why you waiting outside the office?" She questions curiously. His jaw clenched. A few moments of silence filled the hallway. It was really awkward.

"You're just as crazy as Luna if you think I followed you" he chuckles. She scoffs at his remark. Now he's calling her crazy?! As she went to walk away Malfoy interrupted.

"Still coming my dorm later" he smirks. She turns and slowly walks towards him making sure she was doing it seductively so she could frustrate him. She leaned into him placing her hand on his chest and her mouth by his ear.

"I wouldn't be caught dead fucking you Malfoy" she says as she nibbles his earlobes sending shivers down his spine. She knew he was trouble, she knew he didn't care about a single bone in her body. But placing her warm hands on his chest have her a type of feeling she couldn't explain. She was just to learn what it was. But she couldn't show it to him, or anyone for that matter.


Malfoy had his jaw clenched he looked angry but slightly shocked. I'm assuming he never gets told no by girls. Well I'm here to change that.

It was finally dinner time and I strut in. I notice the brown haired girl looking at me smiling. I walk over towards her.

"Hey, how you doing? Hope they haven't said anything else" I say a little concerned. I knew she was no harm. I just didn't really want to get involved with the golden trio. I knew it was bad news.

"I'm good, thank you y/n" she let out a soft smile.

"Hey harry" I give him a little wave causing him to spit out his drink.

"Uh...y/n hi" Ron and I chuckled at his awkwardness. Silence filled the little area of the hall we sat at. tension was building so I turned and went to sit at my table, unfortunately there was only space next to Cedric. I rolled my eyes and sat down.

"Y/n" he said slightly shocked.

"Don't get good excited it's the only seat around"
I say turning my back. I feel eyes burning my back. I turn to see Draco. What was his problem?. I was preparing myself for him to mouth something rude calling me a slut, or disgusting or a creature. But for once he didn't. I smirked and turned back to Cedric. I whispered in Cedric's ear but not taking my eyes off of Malfoy. I see him clench his jaw as I place my hand at the back of Cedrics neck. I knew I got under Malfoys skin, I just never knew why.

"Oi bitch" tia shouts as she walks down the great hall towards me. I back away from Cedric still smirking in Malfoys direction.

"Miss Jenkins, language!" A professor yelled as Tia and I laughed.

"Come with me" tia grabs my arm and we leave. She drags me to an empty hallway.

"So what's going on with you?" She raises an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?" I question.

"Don't act dumb, what's with the sexual moves on Cedric? And why do you keep looking at Malfoy?" she giggles, making my cheeks redden a little.

"Nothing honestly, I don't even know what's going on. I think I miss the affection" I shrug.

"I think he's interested" she says seriously, which confused me.

"Who?" I question raising a brow.

"Malfoy" she says with no emotion

"No! No way Draco malfoy is interested in-" I was about to say before I'm rudely interrupted

"Y/N's right, I'm really not interested in this little retched creature" malfoy hissed. I turn to see him stood leaning against the wall. Ouch. That hurt.

"Of course you're not. You don't know a thing about emotions or feelings. You're just a little boy with no one who cares, so you try act as horrible as possible to hide how much you hate not being loved" I finished telling. I didn't even realise tears rolling down my cheeks. Fuck. Fuck. I didn't want to cry. Not in front of Draco. Fuck.

He stood staring at me in shock. Not anger. I think I hit a nerve. He stared deeply into my eyes, like he was staring into my soul. His eyes softened a little when he saw my tears. I wiped them away.

"Soooo... I'm hungry" tia pushes me back into the Great hall to finish eating.

I make my way back to my dorm, I just wanted to go back and chill. I was minding my business until a cold hand grabbed my arm down a hallway. We were standing extremely close to each other, bodies inches away. I felt his warmth breath on my neck.

"Malfoy?" I questioned as his eyes lock with mine.

"What are you doing? I questioned. his arms snake around my waist piling me closer. I shouldn't be liking this but I do. His touch sending shivers down my spine.

"Woah" I say with a stern look in my face and backing away. He smirked.

"What's wrong Y/n?" Thats the first time he called me by my first name.

"Do you not like it when I touch you?" He pushed a piece of my hair back behind my ears. I felt my cheeks going hot. I tried to keep it hidden that I was obviously blushing.

He leant closer making my breathing go heavier. I felt him smirk even more than he already was.

"Do I make you nervous?" He whispers softly.

"No!" I say rolling my eyes about to walk away and he grabs my arm.

"Come on y/n don't tell me you don't enjoy it" his face full of smug.

I slowly walk back towards him. I gently sneak my arms around his neck, giving him a seductive look. He leant in to kiss me but I left him there waiting.

"You just can't resist me" I whisper softly and walk away. My heart was racing. What the fuck just happened? What game is he playing? But let me say this, whatever game he's playing, I will win!

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