Chapter 8 ~ G A M E O N E

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It was the day of the first game. We all made our way to our stands. Ever since Moody turned Draco into a ferret and the games starting, he's been quite blunt. I guess this is just how he acts around everyone.

Viktor and Fleur both had their turns retrieving the egg. Viktor did amazing, I was proud of Fleur for having the courage to complete such a task. Next up was Cedric. I stood out of my seat to see where he was. Even though we ended on bad terms, I still cared for him of course. I could feel Malfoys eyes burning into my back. Once Cedric had retrieved the egg, my body instantly relaxed.

"Yes!" I yell and sit back down. I turn to see Draco's jaw clenched.

"What?" I spit and turn my attention back to the game.

Out comes Harry Potter. Silence filled the arena. Harry starts moving about and the dragon is releasing deadly fire from his mouth. Everyone gasps, except Draco and his friends, they were laughing until Harry uses his wand to retrieve a broom. The dragon and Harry fly out of the arena until they weren't seen.

It felt like forever until we see Harry flying back, everyone starts cheering. He reaches for the egg, making the first game over. Draco was not happy that Harry was unharmed and made it through. Which meant his bad mood was gonna be worse. I roll my eyes and we all get up to leave.

We make our way to our dorms. I walk alone while Draco shit talks about Harry. I just couldn't be arsed with him.

"Hey y/n!" I turn to see Draco smirking. I could feel a warmth I'm my stomach as he stared into my eyes, I couldn't explain this feeling. He slowly walked towards me. Making my breathing uneven.

"Would you like to come to my dorm?" He leans in towards you ear to whisper.

"Maybe have some fun?" My knees became weak. I didn't even get to reply.

"Come at 8" he says walking past me and walking into the common room. I stood there flustered. What was Draco doing to me?

I notice tia walking down, I feel it's time to mend this friendship back.

"Hey tia" I call and wave at her. Her smile fades and she walks over leaving her friends.

"Hey" she says lowly.

"I'm so sorry Tia, I miss you so much, so how about we go hogsmede and get a butter beer?" I knew how much she loved them. A smile crept on her face

"Is that even a fucking question? Of course I want to go get butter beer" she rolls her eyes making me giggle. We both grabbed our scarfs and made our way down.

We found a table and sat opposite to each other. I filled her in with everything that happened with my dad and Draco, even that we fucked.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God." She put her hand on her forehead.

"Is he big?" She questioned seriously making me laugh hysterically.

"Yes" I say winking. Making her laugh. She takes a sip from her glass.

"But how you holding up about your father anyway?" She asks worried while placing her hand on mine.

"If I'm going to be honest I'm finding it difficult" I look down feeling the tears making there way to the front of my eyes.

"Hey! Y/n it's okay, it's okay look don't even worry about what's happened between us, you'll always be my best friend" she smiles and pulls me in for a hug.

"Thank you" I say quietly as I let the tears slowly leak.

"I still can't believe malfoy said that to you though! What an asshole" she spits pulling away from our hug.

Never ending war ~ D.M x Reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora