Chapter 4 ~ U N S U I T E D

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I woke up to the sun bursting through my not so great curtains. I groaned and put my pillow on my head and turning to my side. I felt someone grab the pillow out of my hands and hit me with it.

"Ugh what?!" I look up and tia is stood there all dressed, she places her hands on her hips.

"Get up y/n! People are putting their names into the goblet today!" She said excitedly.

"How'd you even get in?" I groan as I do one big stretch getting out of bed. She gave me a 'how'd
You think?' Look. I really wasn't that excited for today at all. I grab my wand and use magic to get me dressed making sure my skirt was short as usual ;)

I sat down at the mirror applying my makeup. I put a clear lipgloss on today to make my lips look plump. I smirk in the mirror and get up to leave. Tia and I make our way down to the hall, we sat at our table. Cedric makes his way over and slides next to me, he puts his arm around my waist.

"Hey baby girl" he smiles. I must say his smile is cute like I can't lie. I smile back nicely. Tia nudges me and gives me a look of 'what the fuck are you doing?' I shake my head getting me out of my day dreams. Maybe I miss having the affection?

"What Cedric?" I question making eye contact with him.

"You coming to see me put my name in the goblet later" he smirks.

"Fine" I roll my eyes and turn to eat breakfast.


Seeing Cedric put his arm around her made me angry. I want her to myself. I stare directly at them until blaise waves his hand in front of my face

"Oi lover boy" I scoff at his comment.

"What?" I spit

"You still think you're gonna win that bet?" He smirks

"Of course" I scoff turning my attention back to y/n she looked back at me and smirked getting closer to Cedric, I roll my eyes and pansy sits next to me. Great even worse. Pansy gets close to me putting her arm around mine. Usually I'd shrug her off but two can play that game y/n. I start being awfully friendly. Blaise looks at me with confusion then looks to y/n. Her face filled with annoyance. He chuckled.

~skip to potions~


I walk into class and sit next to Tia. I sigh and she immediately turns to face me

"What's wrong" she pouted.

"Nothing" I wanted to tell her I did but I know she'd get too excited and Draco would find out that he makes me nervous, that I stare into his grey eyes and my stomach flutters a little, and take that to his advantage. He CANT know, and I CANNOT show it.
I don't want people talking about how I can just fall weak to the knees over Draco malfoy. Tia shrugged and looked down. I pretended I dropped my pen so I stood up and bent down, I could feel dracos eyes stabbing me in the back. I smirked and sat back down.

I turn to see Draco staring shocked. He then quickly turned to pansy when we made eye contact. Pansy was all over Draco.

"What's your problem you slut" pansy scowled.

"Not much, but Blaise you're looking extremely good today" you winked at him making him smirk, Draco's smile dropped and pansy giggled.

While Snape left I got up and strolled over to Blaise. I placed my hand on his shoulder as I walked around and sat on his lap. Draco turned his head his eyes full of rage. I smirk and turned to look at Blaise I leant in and Draco stood up quickly slamming his hand on the table. Everyone's eyes turned and he sat back down. I smirked knowing I won, I got back up and sat back next to tia.

"What was that?" She smirked. 'I'll tell you later' i mouthed as Professor Snape walked back in.

The lesson went by quickly. I could constantly feel Draco's gaze on me but not once did I turn around. I felt satisfied with finally making him break. I knew I was gonna win some how.

"Next lesson we will be making the amortentia potions, so be prepared" Snape states before finally dismissing us.

I pack my things ready to leave when Malfoy grabs my arm and drags me out. He takes me to a spare hallway.

"What the fuck was that L/n" he spat

"Oh did I make poor Malfoy angry" I said in a sad tone frowning sarcastically. He pushed me against to wall. One hand around my throat, not too hard so I couldn't breathe but not too loosely.

"Don't tease me y/n" he said with all seriousness in his voice.

"Why you so annoyed Draco?" I question. His grip tightens a little.

"Don't fucking ask questions l/n" there he goes using my last name. I roll my eyes and look back up at him. I don't know why but I just wanted to kiss him. We stared at each other for a little bit when he went to lean in.

"Y/n?" We heard a familiar voice. Draco backed away and we turned to face the door. There stood Harry and Tia.

"Did he hurt you?" Harry asked with full concern in his voice.

"Of course not Pottah" Draco spat. I felt my cheeks redden so I ran towards the two at the end of the hallway. I grab their arms and walked towards our next lesson.

"What happened there y/n?" Harry sounded pissed.

"Uh-uh nothing" I say knowing it wasn't convincing.

"Look y/n he's bad news okay?" Harry said saying with a soft smile as he places his hand on her shoulder.

Why was potter so interested in this? Like I don't get it. It's not like me and potter were friends? I couldn't get draco's words out of my head

'Don't tease me y/n'

I smirk while placing a bit of hair behind my ear. I ignored the two for the rest of the way to our next lesson.

Draco has something over me and I just can't seem to understand it.

"Oi bitch stay away from my man" I turn to hear where the annoying voice came from. Pansy walked up to me and slapped me.

"Oh no you didn't" I drop my bag in Tia's hands and jumped on her. None of us were stopping until Draco ran up and grabbed me off of pansy.

"What on earth is going on here?!" Ms McGonagall walked up. I had a cut on my eyebrow which the blood fell down my face. I mean I didn't look as bad as pansy though.

"My office now!" Ms Mcgonagall grabbed my arm

"Pansy go to snapes office!" We both walked opposite directions. The professor actually took me to Dumbledores office instead. I sat on the chair and sighed.

"Back again L/n" I giggled.


"Right y/n, I think a change of housing is needed. You do not suit Hufflepuff at this point in time" I sit up in my chair.

"What?!" I say in annoyance.

"What house then?!" I question waiting for an answer.

"Well the other option you had when you first arrived here was Slytherin" he trailed off.

No. Fucking. Way.

A/n: hey guys let me know in the comments if you want me to continue ! :)

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