Trust In Allah

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Trusting in Allah means you leave everything in His hands and pray for the best, sometimes we find it to be a situation where it is easier said than done and that goes for me too. We often forget that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is the best of planners and we worry about what Allah has willed for us, I'm talking about myself being one of those people too. We often get worried and anxious, causing ourselves to worry and we end up having sleepless nights of tossing and turning. I think eventually you become immune to doubting the plan of Allah, after-all we are human and we have been given free will go think and feel whatever we may. It's hard to control ourselves from thinking and questioning and it's normal to question what Allah has planned for us, we were born this way for a reason. I think trusting in Allah doesn't just happen overnight, it takes months sometimes even years to finally come to grips with it and understanding that trusting in Allah is the end goal in life. It takes time, a lot of effort, almost like when a house is being built from scratch, we have to set the foundation first and then gradually built on it. It takes time when you finally get there, you feel a sense of relief and understand why everything happened the way it did. Allah is the best of planners and trusting His is the best thing you can even do honestly.

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