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When you're grieving the loss of a loved one, it's okay to feel all different waves of emotions. Some days will be harder than others and inevitably, some days will be a little bit easier than others. Grieving is a process, it takes time to let that feelings and emotions that your heart and soul are feeling to sink in. Grieving isn't just the stamp on the death certificate and that's it, it's much deeper than that. It isn't just the loss of their physical presence, their laughter or jokes. It's the mourning of someone who you spent a long time with, it's the loss of someone you thought would be around forever, admittedly our religion teaches us that the one thing promised to us us death. But we are only human, we have hopes and we have fears and worries, but when you lose someone, you never think it would be You losing them or them losing You. You hear about it all the time but you never think it would happen to you or that you would be affected by it. Grieving takes time and that's okay, take each day as it comes and welcome all emotions that come with each and every day. You will be okay eventually and when you are, you will always know that in your heart is much stronger than you imagined.

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