Nobody Is Perfect

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"You are not perfect. Your mother is not perfect. Your father is not perfect. You brother is not perfect. Your husband is not perfect. Your best friend is not perfect. Your child is not perfect. Nobody, in this world is perfect. Not one person is ever free from flaws. So bear with all the people in your life, bear with them like you expect them to bear with you. And when they make a mistake, forgive them. Forgive them once, forgive them twice; forgive like you would wish to be forgiven. Do not label them as the worst of people, leave that to The Creator. Overlook their flaws and love their goodness. Love them for all the good within them. And if they have caused you pain or grief, try to understand that they may be having a rough day I or perhaps, they lost to Shaitaan. Leave the shortcomings aside, think about the times they have made you smile and move on. Allah, is Merciful. He will take care of everything else."

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