You Are Enough

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Never let someone else feel you that you've not done enough to fight and salvage whatever is left if your life. People are quick to judge you and your situation based on what they think they know. They will judge and analyse you on things that they have no knowledge of. They will scrutinise you and make you feel like you haven't done enough or that you haven't fought enough. They do not know what state your heart and soul is in, they do not know a single thing that has gone on behind closed doors. Only you and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala know the pain, the suffering and the amount of fight you're given this battle. Let them judge you, let them try to make you feel like you still need to do more to fight. Allah knows and He's aware of everything you have done for this battle. You're gone to war with nobody from this earth by your side. You've gone to war by yourself, only Allah knows about your pain and suffering during this testing time. Do not let others make you feel like you've done nothing, because you have, you've done more than they possibly ever could for you.

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