Archer; 7/1/19

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8:00 a.m
The alarm clock would wait me up buzzing. I hadn't gotten enough sleep, after waiting so long at the airport for my dad the night before. I could hear footsteps coming towards my room, realizing it would be my mom. "Goodmorning, buddy!", she said in her sing-songy voice. "I recommend packing for our trip tomorrow", she'd add. I had forgotten about the Bahamas trip, this summer. We usually go somewhere new every year, but my parents' friend Micheal had been going to the Bahamas with his family every year. So my parents decided to get on board with that. Luckily Micheal's son, Atlas is cool. We go to the same school, but he's pretty quiet. "I will'', I responded to my mom. "Okay, today will be pretty relaxed anyways", she said before she left my room. I'd lay in bed for a couple minutes, looking at social media. I decided to get out of bed around 9:26, and quickly pulled out my suitcase, throwing random pieces of clothing in. I'd finish packing, and start getting ready for the gym, with my friends. I'd throw on Nike shorts, and a t-shirt. As I walked down the stairs, I grabbed my keys, and headed out the door. I live in the New York suburbs, so at least there's not a whole lot of traffic. I unlocked my Ford Bronco, and drove to get a few of my friends. I'd quickly stop a few blocks down from my house, to get Bentley, and Easton. We blared music as I drove to the gym, and talked about our vacations. "Dang, you get to go to the Bahamas?", Easton asked me. "Yeah, I guess so, my parents want to go because that Atlas kids dad goes", I'd respond. "Oh that's trash", Bentley would say. "Nah, it's good", I added. I'd park the car, and we'd walk into the gym.

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