Part 5

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Tsukishima POV

As I was walking with Yamaguchi so he could give something to the annoying ball of sunshine Hinata my mind wandered else where. Both Yamaguchi and Hinata were talking while I was looking at the vending Machines where the King and the annoying new student y/n were talking. She looked happy talking to him. What a bother. The bell rang and they were parting ways she then tripped over AIR clumsy girl. I ran over to catch her and we both fell, I shielded her making sure nothing happened to her. We landed in the ground and I groaned. She looked up at me and I was met her mesmerizing colored orbs. They were beautiful. NO WHAT GET IT TOGETHER!!!! I screamed mentally.

Tsukishima: What a nuisance we just met and you already can't help but fall for me.
Y/n: oh please you are the last person I'd ever fall for


As we both got up he smirked. Why does he tick me off so much. Uhhhhhh my first day and I have to deal with him.

Time skip end of day

I decided to stay some what later after school because I wanted to find the music room. As I was walking around I heard people coming. I figured it was after school clubs that stay behind so I didn't think much of it. I decided to put my headphones and continue to walk around. I then accidentally bumped into someone turning the corner.

You: OmG OMG omg I am so so sorry I should've been paying more attention. Ahh are you ok I'm sorry.

As I looked up I meet none other than Shoyo Hinata my best friend through-out elementary and middle school.

Hinata: OMG  y/n  hi how are you omg it's so good to meet you

Yep the same as always so much energy just like me 😂

You: wow you haven't really changed a bit have you but still as energetic as always.
Him: yep any who I didn't know you went here
You: yeah I decided to go here cause it's closer to my play other wise my mom wanted me to go to either Abajosai
Yes I know I spelt it wrong just bear with me.

Him: really awesome. I would love to catch up sometime are you planning on leaving late we could walk home together I know natsu would love to say hi same with mom. I have volleyball practice and it doesn't end till ( random time ) but we can meet at the front there.
You: of course I'll meet you at the front and we can walk home also I'm glad you found actual volley ball players to be with you. 😊
Him: me to I'll see you later f/n
You: byeee

Time skip

You had about a half an hour before you need to head to the front gate and you have currently been messing around in the music room. You decided to play piano ——- aka song above———- however what you didn't know was that someone heard you.

Hi people I hope you are enjoying the story I'm still writing if you have any ideas you want to incorporate into the story let me know. Also I might start another story soon who should it be. Also I am also editing while writing so that's why things will be taking long. I will try to put up a schedule by this weekend so you know when updates might be. Thank you 😊

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