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Today was the day Louis was gonna get his wisdom teeth removed and you had to prepare yourself. Louis was energetic enough without the drugs they're going to put him on and you weren't sure if you'd be able to cope.

Surprisingly Louis wasn't actually that nervous, unlike you.
"Okay I'm going in now baby." He kissed your hand.
"Okay I'll wait for you out here, I love you." You replied.
"I love you more." Louis smiled. "And also, I'm not gonna be able to kiss you for a while so..."
He kissed you passionately. After about 10 seconds you break apart and say goodbye.

You sit down in the waiting room next to his mum and pull out your phone.
"It actually might be quite funny with him on the drugs." You thought to yourself.

After a while passed, the doctor called you and Louis' mum in to go and see him. He was sat in the chair smiling widely, with three stickers stuck to his shirt.
"Hi mum!" He said energetically.
"Hi Louis!" She smiled, "you feeling okay?"
"Never been better!" Then he looked at you.
He motioned for his mum to come over.
"Mum who's that?" He whispered.
"Your girlfriend, silly!" She laughed.
"YESSSSS!" He pulled you onto his lap and hugged you.
"Hi y/n!"
"Hi baby!" You giggled.
"Baby? I like it!" He replied.
"Louis, I always call you that?"
"I know but it makes me all happy when you say it."

After a while of Louis stumbling all over the place, you guys finally made it to the car.
"Hey baby," Louis whispered with his hand on your thigh.
"Yes?" You looked at him.
"Kiss?" He tried to pucker his lips dramatically.
"Oh I'm sorry, love. Not now. I would if I could." You caressed his cheek.
He dramatically sighed as tears filled his eyes, "you don't love me."
"Louis." You said sternly.
"Why won't you kiss me?"
"You've just gotten your wisdom teeth removed!"
You smirked and whispered in his ear, "when I can kiss you again I'm all yours..."
He smirked back, "oh well I like the sound of that."

After the long car ride home (and a milkshake stop by Louis' command) you finally made it home.
"Y/N I LOVE YOUUUUU!" He randomly sang.
You chuckled. "I love you too, Lou. Let's go to sleep though, yeah?"
You helped him take his shirt off.
"Oh I like where this is going." He smirked, leaning in.
"It's not like that! I'm just helping you get ready for bed!"

You exited the bathroom after brushing your teeth, and made your way to the bed where Louis was already lied down. He opened his eyes when he felt your presence.
"Cuddle." He mumbled and held his arms out pouting like a child.
"Okay baby I'm coming." You smiled at him.
He held your waist tight and rested his head in top of yours.
"My mouth hurts." He pouted.
"Awww, the pain will be gone soon I promise." You kissed his cheek and played with his hair.
"Hey! The pain went as soon as you kissed my cheek. Do it again."
Laughing, you kissed his cheek again, causing a smile to grow on his face.
"Happy now?"
"Always, angel."
You yawned.
"I'm tired now. Goodnight."
"Goodnight angel, I love you." He said just above a whisper.
Before you could say "I love you too" you looked up to see Louis fast asleep with a small smile on his face.

This was eventful.