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You woke up, immediately smiling tiredly. Today is Louis' birthday and you're excited to say the least. He has always been more of a giver, so you couldn't wait to have a day where everyone gives presents to him.

You turn to your phone on your bedside table, checking the time.
"8:45. I have to go pick up his cake soon." You think to yourself. You shuffle around carefully, with Louis' hand wrapped around your waist with a tight grip.
"Wake up birthday boy." You whisper in his ear.
You feel his grip on your waist tighten as he slowly chuckles, with his eyes still closed.
"I have to head out soon, love. I'm picking up a special something for no one in particular."
He giggled, "hmm... fine, I'll let you go," he said in his morning voice, loosening his grip on your waist, "but kiss first."
You chuckle lightly at him, and give him a kiss on his lips, then his cheek, causing him to blush and smile.
"Fine. You may leave." He laughed.
He kisses your forehead as you got up and ready.

As you're brushing your teeth, you hear Louis whine from your bedroom,
"Y/nnnn, I'm cold without you." He wraps himself in the sheets, pouting dramatically.
You spit out your toothpaste and clean up, smiling.
"Oh Louis, as much as I'd love to be in bed with you right now, I have something VERY important I need to get!"
"I know, I know. It's for a special someone's birthday." He says mocking your voice.
"So this special someone, I bet he's really cool."
You smirk, "he's okay."
"Just okay?" He gasped, pretending to be offended.
"He gets jealous when I cuddle the dog." You reply, teasing him.
Louis pouts again, and you rub his cheek.
"But he is very adorable."
He then smiles and kisses your hand.
You check your phone again, "oh, I have to go. Bye Louis!" You yell, waving as you exit the bedroom.
"Bye love! Don't be too long."

You finally exit the pretty cake shop, with the cake in your hand as you watch your step, afraid of dropping it. You were a bit longer than expected, but that's okay as it gave everyone time to get ready...

By "everyone" you mean you have planned for all of Louis closest family and friends to come over for his birthday, as you know he loves spending time with them so much.

Thinking of that reminded you to message everyone as you enter your car, telling them to arrive soon.
You smile, knowing Louis will love the cake, the presents, and seeing everyone come together on his special day. Putting your phone away, you start the car ready to head home.

Entering the house, you place the cake on the counter as you hear cars pulling up outside. You also hear the shower running, meaning Louis won't hear everyone come inside.

You welcome everyone in one by one, and soon the kitchen is full with family and friends, all chatting away.
"Okay, everyone." You say, grabbing their attention, "I'm going to get Louis now, so if we could all just be quiet for a minute, thank you!"
Everyone looks around, excited to see him and excited to see his reaction.

You walk upstairs, to find Louis dressed nicely, drying his hair with a towel.
He looks up, smiles and kisses your cheek.
"I didn't know you were home."
"Yep. And your mum is here too!"
He laughs as you grab his hand, guiding him down the stairs.

As he enters the kitchen, the last thing he expected to see was a room full of his favourite people. He was shocked, but very happy.

"Happy birthday Louis!" Everyone cheers simultaneously.
He says hi to everyone, then stops to you and smirks.
"Did you do this?" He asks, grabbing your hand.
"Hmmm, maybe."
"I love you so much! Thank you for this."
"I love you way more. Hope you enjoy today!"
"I definitely will."