Horror Movies (Fluff)

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A/N: Don't be scared to leave requests!! Also,,, I promise you I won't only write fluff- I just need a lil more practice with it kakjdhshwidnwk,,,,,,,, anyways on to the story :) 


❕❗️⚠️ Warning For This Chapter: This chapter will mention Blood , Death , Gore . Please don't read if you are triggered by these things . ⚠️❗️❕

    It all started with a stream. Wilbur's stream to be specific.

    Wilbur had already announced Techno's arrival to the UK. They were now doing a QnA stream, Techno being sat on the left, and Wil sat on the right.

    Then the donation came in.

    The robotic voice read out the $4.20 donation: "Hey! I really enjoy your content. But let's cut to the chase. Who here's the one who easily gets scared? For example, getting scared while watching a horror movie. Thanks! Love you so much <3!!"

     They both knew the answer. Techno was first to pipe up. "Definiiiinetly Wilbur" he chuckled.

    Wilbur slapped Techno's arm, and as a response he said "Nonono, I would never get scared at a dumb movie. You would be the one getting scared.. you're just a beta male, while I'm a Alpha male"  Wilbur said in a way that sort of resembled Tommy.

    "Then let's put it to the test shall we?"

    After finishing the stream, Techno and Wilbur stood up and exited the office Wilbur streamed at. And started walking on the street back home.

    "So... what movie do you wanna watch..?" Techno asked.

    "I- what, I thought that was just a bit??" Wilbur said with a confused face.

    Techno let out a short laugh and said, "No, we're going to see who the "Alpha male" is, and who the "Beta male" is.." While putting occasional 'bunny ears' on the two phrases. 

    Wilbur just laughed it off.

    It was around ten pm. Wilbur was sat on the couch in front of the tv scrolling on twitter. When Techno walked in and sat on the opposite end of the couch.

    Wilbur's phone made a 'Bing!' Noise, looked and the notification and read it. 

     It was Techno's tweet, and it read: "Let's see who's the "Beta Male" then Nerd."

    "So you DO have my notifications on.." Techno teased.

     Wilbur muttered a small "shutup", and changed the subject.

    "Are we actually gonna watch a movie.. or....." 

    "Y'know.. I wasn't planning to, but now that I think about it.." 

    I guess you could say Wilbur planned his own demise.

    Before he knew it, Techno was already looking through movies and microwaving popcorn, then grabbing blankets, pillows, etc.

    Wilbur groaned when Techno sat down with the popcorn and drinks. "Do we reaaally have to watch a movie..??"

    "Well, yeah of course,,, what are you...? Scared?" Techno said with a smirk on his face.

    "I- no- of course not.." 

    And the movie started,

❗️⚠️Tw // Blood , Death , Gore ⚠️❗️

    The movie was more then terrifying, it seemed to Wilbur that every single second there was a death. Blood was everywhere. Wilbur huddled up to the corner of the couch, seeking for comfort. Techno couldn't help but notice, so, he tossed over a pillow and blanket. Those he were hogging previously..

    The movie got worse. Me going into detail wouldn't be at all helpful to anyone. 

    Wilbur's eyes were watery, he couldn't help but let one tear slip down his cheek. Techno was on the other side of the couch, not paying attention to the movie anymore, but paying attention to Wilbur. He wasn't leaning at the corner of the couch anymore, but sitting up and slowly scooting over to Wilbur's side of the couch.

    Wilbur noticed, and squeezed the pillow he was hugging harder. 

    It wasn't that long till Techno was on Wilbur's side of the couch. Right when Techno was close enough to Wilbur's reach, Wilbur grasped onto Techno's arm, like his life depended on it. Techno turned a bright shade of red, but didn't say anything. Instead he hugged Wilbur and rubbed Wilbur's back in a circular motion, to calm him.

    It had worked, Wilbur wasn't as scared or stressed anymore. 

     "T-techno?" Wilbur quietly said, voice breaking a bit because of his crying before. 


    "Can you shut off the movie for a bit..? I'm a little tire-" Wilbur was cut off by his own yawn.

    Techno let out a soft laugh, reached for the remote and turned off the movie. 

    "Of course"


    Wilbur dozed off to dreamland, while Techno held him.

    Techno muttered a quiet "love you.."

    Wilbur was shocked to say the least, but it was already late, he was tired. 

    Love you too

    Boy do they have a lot to explain in the morning..

[READ LAST CHAPTER]  Techbur Oneshots (techno x Wilbur)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin