Chapter 2

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"How long do you reckon the kids'll be in Wiggletown?" said John.

"I dunno, Lennon" said Ringo.

"They're good kids. They'll be fine" said George.

"And the Wiggles will take care of them" said Paul.

"Hey, Beatles. I could go down there and check on them if you'd like me to" said Meg.

"If you will" said Ringo.

Meg went to Wiggletown and found the Wiggles working on their acts.

"Hey, Wiggles" she said.

"Hey, Meg. We weren't expecting to see you today. Are you here for Rainbow Day?" said Murray. 

"Well, not exactly. I came to see if my guys were okay." said Meg.

"Oh, yeah. They're fine. In fact, they're rehearsing for Rainbow Day right now" said Jeff.

Meg went in the Wigglehouse and saw her friends rehearsing.

"What on earth are you three doing?" she giggled.

"Oh, hi, Meg. We're practicing our rainbow acts so we'll be ready for Rainbow Day" Sam said.

"Did the Wiggles tell you what it was?" said Meg.

"Yeah. It's the day the Wiggletown rainbow comes out" said Calvin.

"So in Wiggletown, that very rainbow comes once a year?" said Meg.

"Yup! And the Wiggles decreed that it'd be celebrated every year. So we're gonna celebrate with them this year so the rainbow colors can be complete" said Charles Wallace.

"Sounds fun. But what do you need acts for" said Meg.

"Each of our acts represent a color. And without them, the rainbow can't come" Sam said.

"I see! So the colors make Rainbow Day complete." said Meg.

"Yeah, that's it" said Charles Wallace.

"Is there a color for me?" Meg said.

"Sorry, Meg. But they were all taken." said Calvin.


"But we'll make sure the Wiggles find something for you to do" said Charles Wallace.

"Oh, you guys. You really know how to help those in need" Meg said.

"Oh, hey, Meg. One more thing" said Calvin.


"When the day comes, make sure the lads come too. We were thinking of surprising them with it" Sam said.

"You got it!" Meg said.

"Alright, kids. Ready for rehearsal?" said Anthony.

"We sure are" said Charles Wallace.

"But, uh... Meg wants to be a part of Rainbow Day too" said Calvin.

"Oh. Well, perhaps she could do a team act with one of us" said Murray.

"Why, Murray, I'd love that" Meg said.

Murray's expression then darkened.

"Murray?" Meg said.

"What's wrong?" said Charles Wallace.

"Nothing. I just feel like I'm about to throw up" said Murray.

"Tell me you won't" Sam said.

"Wait a minute... nothing" said Murray.

"Oh! Good" said Meg.

"You feeling alright, Murray?" said Greg.

"I'm fine." answered Murray.

"Are you sure?" said Anthony.

"Yeah. I think I just got a little tummy ache for a second. Maybe I started rehearsing too soon after breakfast" said Murray.

"Eh. Makes sense" said Calvin.

"Speaking of rehearsal, we better get cracking" said Charles Wallace.

Looks like Meg's got a role in Rainbow Day now. 

But what about Murray? You think he's okay?

Let's find out!

Peace and love,


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