Chapter 5

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Rehearsal was fine until they had to start from the top again. 

As he was practicing, Murray lost his balance. 

"Murray, look at you! You've got a fever! You're burning up" Meg said.

Murray didn't respond, but he gave in to Meg's words.

"Where's Sam?" he said.

"I'm right here" Sam said.

"Come on, Murray. Admit it to yourself" said Calvin.

"Okay... my tummy still hurts" said Murray.

"You sure you're alright?" said Anthony.

"I dunno" Murray answered.

Meg helped Murray up and they walked inside the Wigglehouse.

"Meg, you're a doctor. What's wrong with Murray?" said Greg.

"I dunno, Greg. But the tummy cramps might be a big problem" said Meg.

"But what about Rainbow Day?" said Charles Wallace.

"I'm not sure what will happen then." Meg said.

"I just hope he doesn't have what I think he has" Sam said.

"What?" said Jeff.

"I hope he's not pregnant. That was the case with Paul one time" Sam said.

"Only one way to know" said Meg.

"Watch it, Meg, honey. I'm ticklish okay?" said Murray.

"Oh you are" Sam said slyly.

"Sam. No" scolded Calvin.

Meg giggled and performed her checkup.

"Well?" said Murray.

"It's not too serious. But you may have a stomach bug, Murray" Meg said.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Sam sighed.

"What?" said Anthony.

"What?" Sam said.

"Sam Pan. You just found out that the man who has loved you since you were nine has a stomach bug. And your only reaction is you're relieved that he's not pregnant?" said Calvin.

"No, Calvin, she's fine. I'm kinda relieved about that too" said Murray.

"Murray. You just need to get some rest" Meg said.

"I'm sorry, kids" Murray cried.

"It's okay, Murray. It's not your fault you're ill" said Calvin.

"But what are we gonna do? We can't have Rainbow Day without you" said Charles Wallace.

"That's true. The rainbow won't come unless all of the colors perform their acts" said Greg.

"We'll think of something" said Anthony.

"But for now, Murray, you need rest" said Jeff.

"Alright, Wiggles. I'll rest. But I need a minute with Sam. Please" said Murray.

"Okay" said Greg.

Sam stayed with Murray for a minute.

"Sam. I wish you knew how much you mean to me. Especially since I've let you kids down" said Murray.

"You didn't let anyone down" Sam said.

"Are you sure? I ruined Rainbow Day for you and Charles and Cal and..." Murray said.

"You didn't ruin anything." Sam said.

Murray relaxed and said "Sam, you're so kind." 

"I do what I can" Sam responded.

Murray then sang to Sam.

Do you long to be left all alone?

Set apart with a heart made of stone

There's a light that you shine, there's a love

I see it in your eyes

Every day every night

I know time may divide

But fate is something we refuse to hide

And it's real and it's right

Something strange out of sight

We say goodnight...

Murray took Sam's hand and said "I love you, Sam. Don't be afraid to be a part of Rainbow Day. Even if the Wiggles are one short" 

"I love you too, Murray. I'm not afraid" Sam said.

The two hugged.

"I will get better in time. I promise" said Murray.

For the first time in a very long time, Sam was the first to lean in for a kiss. And Murray didn't hesitate to kiss back.

"Now go. Have fun" said Murray.

Sam left after another kiss.

If Murray's that sick, can they still have Rainbow Day?

Let's find out in the next chapter, shall we?

Peace and love, 


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