Chapter 12

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"Well done, everybody. The antidote to cure Murray is complete" said Dr Whatsit.

"Sweet! Let's tesser back to earth and get it to him" said Charles Wallace.

"Yes. Lets" said Dr Which.

The Misses tessered the guys back to earth where they realized it was Thursday.

"Thanks for everything, Misses" said Meg.

"Our pleasure. Now get this antidote to Murray. And make sure the rainbow comes tonight" said Dr Whatsit.

"Come on, Warriors" Sam said.

Dorothy the Dinosaur and Wags the Dog were in the Wigglehouse checking on Murray.

"Hello there, kids!" said Dorothy.

"Hi, Dorothy" Meg said.

Wags barked to greet the kids.

"Hello there, Wags. How's business?" said Charles Wallace.

Wags gave him a thumbs up to say business was good.

"Murray. The Misses took us to another planet and we found just the right thing to make you better in time for Rainbow Day" Sam said.

"What's that?" Murray whispered weakly.

"This. Water mixed with rhymes, our names and increasing words" said Charles Wallace.

"And it'll make my tummy feel better" Murray guessed.

"Exactly" said Calvin.

"Beauty mate" Murray said through hot pain.

"But we'll have to hurry. Wags, how long till the rainbow is supposed to come?" said Calvin.

Wags barked five times.

"In five minutes?! Murray, drink it! Quick" said Charles Wallace.

Murray drank the antidote.

"Well? Anything?" Sam said.

"I think I'm alright" said Murray.

"Sweet! Now we have someone to un-LEASH! the power of the color red in five minutes" said Charles Wallace.

"Speaking of, we better go" Meg said.

Murray was able to stand without collapsing in pain.

"Well! It did work. A complete recovery" Sam said.

And they hurried to the Wiggles backyard to start Rainbow Day.

Yes! Looks like Rainbow Day's back on track!

Let's see the acts in the next chapter, shall we?

Peace and love,


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