Chapter 3

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"Now. Do we do these acts in order of the rainbow colors?" said Calvin.

"Yeah. So red is the first color in the rainbow, so..." Greg began.

"So Murray makes the first move" Sam guessed.

"Exactly, Sam. Well done" said Greg.

"So Murray has to un-LEASH! the power of the color red" said Charles Wallace.

"That's right, Charles" Murray laughed.

"What are you gonna do?" Sam asked.

"I'm gonna play a guitar lick on my red guitar" said Murray.

"The hardest one? Because we gotta make sure these acts are amazing" Meg said.

"Of course. You kids wanna hear it?" said Murray.

"Yeah, sure!" said Charles Wallace.

Murray blasted his Rainbow Day guitar solo.

"Wow!" the kids cheered as they applauded. 

"So after red comes orange. So Calvin does his act" said Charles Wallace.

"and I know just how to do it, too. Anthony, could you slide that orange tree to me?" said Calvin laying on the floor.

"Sure, Cal" said Anthony. 

"Now bat it with a stick" said Calvin.

Anthony bat the orange tree and oranges fell down. And Calvin spun them on his fingers.

"Wow, Cal! That's amazing" Sam said.

"I have to make this color work. Nobody looks good in orange" said Calvin.

"So Greg makes the next move. What are you gonna do?" Meg said.

"I haven't figured mine out yet but I'm thinking something to do with sunshine. So Sam goes next because she's green" said Greg.

"Yup. I thought I'd do a dance while flying" Sam said.

"Oh, that'd be beautiful, Sam. A beautiful dance from a beautiful girl" said Murray.

"Thanks" Sam said shyly. 

"Then I'm next because I'm blue. I thought I'd do a water act since water is blue" said Anthony.

"And then comes indigo" said Greg.

"So it'll be time for me to un-LEASH! the power of the color indigo" said Charles Wallace.

"that's right, Charles. What are you gonna do?" said Jeff.

"I'm gonna dance with the stars. Because the sky is always indigo at night" said Charles Wallace.

"Clever. And I'm last since purple is the last color of the rainbow." said Jeff.

"Please tell me your act isn't falling asleep" Meg giggled.

"It isn't. I still need to think of mine" said Jeff.

"This'll be great" said Calvin.

Murray then grimaced as he felt more pain in his stomach. 

He moaned a little before placing a hand to his tummy.

"Murray? you sure you're okay?" Meg said.

"Yeah." Murray panted.

"But what if you aren't?" said Anthony.

"I'm fine" was all Murray answered with.

"And if you eventually admit you aren't?" Sam said.

"I won't. I can't miss Rainbow Day. If I do, the rainbow won't come and I'd be letting you kids down" said Murray.

"Okay" Meg said.

Murray certainly doesn't seem fine. 

Let's hope he is, eh?

What's coming up? What could it be?

One more click and we will see!

Peace and love,


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