Chapter 9

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"They've been gone for ages. I hope they're okay" said Paul.

"Of course they're okay. The Wiggles are taking good care of them" said George.

"But why would the kids be in Wiggletown for this long without us?" said Ringo.

"Yeah. They said they'd be gone for "Rainbow Day"" said John.

"Well, of course, they didn't say when it was. The Wiggles probably just wanted them to come early" said Ringo.

"You think we should go and check on them?" said George.

"Yes. Meg went down there to check on them and now she's been gone for three days" said Paul.

The lads went to Wiggletown and saw the kids in their colored outfits.

"Beatles!" they squealed.

"Kids. Why are you dressed like that?" said John.

"Because it's how we celebrate Rainbow Day. We each act out something to do with the color we choose. And it helps the rainbow come" said Charles Wallace.

"Oh, so that's what Rainbow Day is" said Paul.

"Yup" Sam said.

"So when does the official celebration begin?" said Ringo.

"Tomorrow night" said Meg.

"If we can manage it" added Calvin.

"Why wouldn't you be able to manage it?" said John.

"Because Murray has a stomach bug" said Charles Wallace.

"And he was supposed to represent the color red" added Sam.

"But now he can't" finished Calvin.

"Oh dear." said Paul.

"Oh dear is right. But we're not worried because the Misses are here to help Murray" Sam said.

"Did they find a way yet?" said George.

"They're working on it" said Meg.

"But for now, we're glad you four are here. We wanted you to see us on Rainbow Day" Sam said.

"Yeah, yeah yeah. We want you boys to see us fight colors with colors" said Charles Wallace.

"And in both cases, colors means the rainbow colors. And "with" just means with" Sam said.

"We see" said Ringo.

"Kids. We'd like a word with you" said Dr Which.

"Oh! Hello, Beatles. We didn't see you there" Dr Whatsit giggled.

"Hello" said Paul.

"Kids, come with us this instant" said Dr Which.

"Is there some way we can help Murray?" Sam asked.

"We believe there is. But we need your help. Go find the Wiggles and come right back" said Dr Which.

The kids got the other three Wiggles and brought them back to where the Misses were.

The three Misses then used their magic power and the ground and sky started to angulate.

And soon, they were somewhere else.

Oh boy! Where are the Misses taking them?

Let's see!

Peace and love,


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