Chapter 13

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When the time came, the Wiggles and the kids performed their acts. 

And with every act came each color of the rainbow. 

And all the while, a song rang out as they performed.

Come away with me now to the sky

Up o'er the hills and the sea

Far beyond where memories lie

To a place where I'm free to be me

Oh gather ye now one and all

No matter what all ye may do

Let the stars fill your soul where the moon cradles all

So to yourself be true

The blanket of snow is all gone

Each flower waits for the sun

And the breeze bring tears from the rain

Oh its promise for everyone

Then come away with me friends

No matter where you call your home

With the light in our hearts we will never part

No matter how far we roam

Deep in the forest we go

Creatures are all fast asleep

With a kiss and a wink we will waken our souls

And long is the safety we keep

And then then we'll dance through the night

Till the sun peeking sparkle at dawn

And away we will go like last winter's snow

Soon our work will be done

Oh gather ye now one and all

No matter what all ye may do

Let the stars fill your soul where the moon cradles all

So to yourself be true

Oh gather ye now one and all

No matter what all ye may do

Let the stars fill your soul where the moon cradles all

So to yourself be true

So to yourself be true

The rainbow appeared and it was like no other rainbow the kids had ever seen. 

Rainbow Day was a roaring success this year. All thanks to the kids.

Now, wasn't that a pleasant celebration?

The next chapter will be the last.

Peace and love,


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