Chapter Twenty-One

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Hermione POV.

Ginny and I got back to Number 12 at around nine in the evening after grabbing some dinner. When we got home Molly and Sirius were in the sitting room discussing something quietly but quickly shut up when we entered. Molly let us know that she saved us some chocolate cake that she hid from Ron after dinner and that the boys were all off to bed and we'd better be off too. Ginny and I said our goodnights and hurried off. Ginny opted for some cake, while I decided to head off to bed. On my way to my room I ran into Fred and George.

"Why are you guys still up?" I ask bouncing over to them. With all the crazy that had happened with Draco I was happy to see the twins.

"Oh we just got home-" George started.

"Nothing, goodnight Hermione." Fred cut off his twin. The boys, well more Fred, pushed past me and head to their room.

Since when was Fred calling me by my actual name? I have gotten so use to 'Mione that hearing Fred call me by my full name felt wrong. I pushed away my worries are went to bed hoping Fred was just tired. After getting ready for bed I climb in ready for all the crazy of the day to be over with. I think back to Knockturn Alley and the bar. As I feel myself drifting off to sleep my last thought goes to... Draco.

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