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"Death is the begining, the birth of births, a rebirth, a second chance to fix all mistakes, Death is the begining."

"So you're a heretic now?." Questions an unsure Dean as he and Parker walk side by side, his leather jacket hung around Parker's shoulders.

"Yep, I get all the new attributes of being a vampire. Whilst still being a witch due to me being a siphon." Answers Parker as she smirks at Dean.

Dean nods in acceptance as the duo continue to walk through Malivore, trying to come up with an idea of how to escape the prison they now found themselves in.

"When we get out of here, are you going to make your family remember you?." Questions Dean as he looks at Parker with wonder in his eyes.

"I doubt it. They didn't care enough when I was alive and when they could remember me, so I bet they are having a great time now I'm gone." Parker answers glumly as she crosses her arms against her chest, lowering her gaze to the floor.

"Changing the subject, any idea of how we are gonna get out of here?."

"Hope, this girl I know was in here at one point. Apparently she got out because Malivore doesn't like witches and every time she used magic it opened a portal in order to throw her out."

"You have used magic before and it didn't do that. Why?" Questions a confused Dean.

"I'm guessing due to the fact that I was in transition, which is a sort of in between state of life and death, Malivore couldn't sense my magic." Shrugs an unsure Parker as she wraps Deans jacket tighter around her body.


The duo continue to walk silently as they begin to think of ways to open Malivore in order to escape their imprisonment.

As Parker walks across the vast plains of Malivores emptiness, she begins to hear a low hiss surrounding her and Dean. Encompassing them in its suspense filled essence.

"Do you hear that?." Questions Parker as the clicking of her heels echoes across malivore.

"Yeah, it's like a snake hissing." Comments Dean as the Duo begin to look around them. Analysing their surroundings.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me." Scoffs Parker as she realises which monster is stalking them.

As Parker spins on her heel, she notices a plethora of glowing eyes staring at her in the distance.

"Turn around." Commands Parker as she faces Dean, causing him to instantly follow her command.

"What is it?." Questions Dean as he and Parker face away from the monster.

"Ever heard of Medusa."

"Who hasn't." Scoffs Dean as he replies.

"Well, this is her less famous cousin." Answers Parker as she intertwines her hand within Deans, a light blush spreading across his features.

"oculis intuemur munire Gorgonum." Chants Parker as she waves her free hand over her eyes, causing both of their eyes to glow a bright gold before reverting back to their natural colour.

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