Chapter 7

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I'm presented with an incredible opportunity. Everyone is distracted by the new arrivals. Now is the time to test my theories and create an ultimate potion. I already know what my fireball is capable of accomplishing.

I am headed to my study when Prince Henry appears in my path.

"Hi," he greets me cheerily.

"Hi," I give him a small smile taking a step around him.

"Where are you going?"

"I have a book in my study. I was waiting to read." Which is not a lie

"Can I join you?"

I want to say no, but Prince Henry has somehow found his way into my heart. I understand him in a way his father can not.

"Okay," I give in, though I plan not to keep him in my presence for long.

I take out the most tedious and technical book I own and begin to read aloud.

Just as I hoped, a few minutes later, Prince Henry gets up with a yawn. "I'll leave you to it."

"See you later, Henry" He nods in acknowledgment and closes the door behind him.

I smile to myself as I open the book I intended to read. The one with all my notes



"These rooms are beautiful," Biana says as we are taken own a hall of the door after door

"I am glad you approve," Tam states

I can't believe that guy. You would never guess he can have such an attitude. He lacks when he is around Biana, though.

We each choose a room and are left to settle in.

I picked a room with deep purple walls and has a plush bed with cream-colored linen and purple flowers. It's large, but it's homey.

I can't believe just how many rooms this Palace has, especially since not many come. People who have wealth just love to flaunt it.

I open my bag and begin to unpack. It's not usually my style, but I don't have much to do, and there is plenty of drawer and closet space, so I settle for why not.


I am fit to rule. I am ruthless, yet I am kind. I am smart, and I am observant. And I am good at molding people.

It's not that King Damian's a bad King, but I know I am more competent. Just because you are born royal doesn't mean you are fit for the job.

I open the jar of plants I have collected over time. Some common, and others are rare. I only have the chance to do this potion right once because I don't have that much of all the necessary ingredients. Such as the red lilies from a special order from halfway across the globe. I managed to disguise it with other things the Palace needed at the time.

What is also risky about this potion is it affects different people differently, but it is the only one that may accomplish what I need it to.

I begin to mix the elements together with careful hands and a concentrated mind.

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