Chapter 11

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*Princess Melonie*

It is only right to give Alvar a chance, which is why I invite him to join me for tea in the pavilion this afternoon.

I put on a high low pink dress, tied my hair back at the nape of my neck, and set out to meet him.

As soon as he sees me, Alvar pulls out the chair for me, very gentleman like. He actually doesn't look bad, and I appreciate the gesture. He then sits down across from me, and I become aware of how small the table is and how our legs are a hairbreadth away from the others.

A servant comes out carrying tea and a plate of pastry.

"Thank you," Alvar says as it's placed on the table, and the servant scurries out.

Alvar insists on pouring me tea, so I allow him to.

"Cheers," he raises his teacup. Firstly, who says cheers on tea?! Secondly, I find myself gritting my teeth when I notice how very wrong he's holding his teacup.

On the one hand, I can't blame him because how often does a middle-class citizen drink tea, let alone in a teacup? Nonetheless, I find myself annoyed.

We talk for a bit, and I find out he rides a motorcycle, another thing I find irritating for I can't imagine myself with a guy who drives one.

Call me closeminded if you want to, but a Princess can have their wants and has a right to envision her husband a certain way.



A couple of weeks pass without much fanfare. Then one day, there is a knock on the door, and I expect it to be Dex or Sophie or Biana but instead, "Fitz?" I nearly shout in surprise

"In the flesh" is his reply, "can I come in?"

"Of course," I step aside to let him through.

I can't help but notice the serious air that seems to surround him. Something I'm unaccustomed to.

We both sit on the couch.

"What's wrong?" I ask at the same time he begins a sentence of his own. We laugh, and the tension is cut slightly.

"I don't know how to say this," he looks down at his hands.

I grab one of them, forcing him to look at me. "Just say it," I encourage.

"Can we go outside? The fresh air helps clear my mind."

"Whatever you want."

Almost idly, we walk to one of the group's favorite spots. The creek. We both sit down on a rock, and I wait for Flynn to explain what's going on.

"So, how have you been?"

"Please, Fitz," I sigh, "can you get to the point? You're worrying me."

"Okay," he takes a deep breath then says, "Princess Melonie wants me to marry her."

It shouldn't have been such a shock, yet I'm left dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry," he tells me in a tender voice. He looks out towards the creek, "I don't want to, really because I... I don't know what to do."

"I know what you have to do" somehow, I find my voice.

"What is it?"

"You have to marry her."

"Really?" his deep teal eyes bore into me.

I nod. "I mean, think about it this way. What choice do you have, really?"

He exhales, defeated, "I guess you're right" he takes my hands in his, "this is just so hard."

I know this is hard for him as well as me, but we all are going to have to understand that this is how it is.

"I know," I say gently.

We sit there like that a moment more before I say, "at least I will get to visit the castle more often. I mean that the bedroom is pretty rocking."

Even Fitz had to laugh at that, and my chest untightened a little hearing it.

"Well, do you want to come over to my house now?" Fitz asks me as he stands up, "I need to tell my family...the news."

I gasp. "You came to me before your family!"

"Is that a yes?"

I shake my head at him. "Yes it's a yes."


As you can imagine, the Vacker's were a bit shocked, and Biana screamed, "why must she be so stubborn?"

Mrs. Vacker even insisted I stay for dinner, which was nice of her. And my parents were okay with it, so I did. Besides, her cooking is fantastic.

In fact, she invited the whole crew so that Fitz can update them on the situation.

"Wow," Dex had said while glancing at me.

"Congratulations, I guess" is Sophie's reply

"Leave it to Fitz" Keefe laughs

After dinner, we all left and once again said goodbye to Fitz. He was going back to the Palace for a few days to make arrangements and get his stuff. And Alvar.

He gets to stay home while the royal wedding is planned.

Who's It Going To Be?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora