Chapter 15

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I join my family as the tables are being cleared, and people slowly begin moving to where the ceremony is to take place.

When everyone is settled, the procession begins. Then the opening remarks. Then, as I hoped, the Priest poses, "if anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now."

"I object," I say, rising from my seat, "I still believe the princess should marry me as opposed to coercing my brother and forcing a relationship." I turn to address the King. I know I sound rude, but I can't be silenced. I clear my throat. "Also and unrelated to my previous point, I am sorry to inform Your Majesty, especially at this time, that two conspire against you." I point to the two men I identified as the schemers.

A gasp rippled through the crowd as both Prince Henry and Tacolm are forced to rise. Their newly handcuffed hands are gleaming in the hot sun.

"Unbelievable," the King says. He addresses the crowd, "I know this isn't customary, but I would like to speak to my daughter, the bride, for a minute." He takes Melonie's hand and turns his back on the crowd, "also, pains me as it does to say this, please escort those two traitors out." A raven lands on Tacolm's shoulder as they are led away.

We all wait in bated breath until the King and Princess reappear.

"There is a change we need to make" the King looks to his daughter, whose hand he firmly holds, "we would like Adam to be the one to have the privilege of marrying my daughter. He seems to understand that it is one."

And with that, Fitz steps off the pedestal and takes my seat.

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