Chapter 16

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I and others, I'm sure are trying to get over the shock as the wedding vows are spoken, and a wave of aww's ripple through the crowd as the couple kiss. Then came the closing remarks.

Alvar takes Melonie's hand in his, and they step off the pedestal together, as the newly wedded, glowing couple.

"Please join us in watching the dance of our beautifully royal couple," someone announces

And look we do until we are all invited to dance as well.

*Princess Melonie*

Despite not being the kind of personality I expected to marry because sometimes things don't turn out the way you thought they would, this turn of events isn't necessarily a bad one.

I feel a smile tug at my lips as Alvar pulls me close. My Alvar.

My husband.

Somehow the word feels right, and a wave of comfort courses through my body. A feeling I have somehow repressed until now. It's like I was blinded, and now I can see.

I married a guy with a big heart and a good head.

And I allow myself to really feel and be present in this moment.

The first dance and the first steps I take with my new partner.


I look around, and among the dancing couples, I spot Keefe and Sophie, Tam and Biana, Melonie and Alvar, and Dex, who is dancing with a girl I haven't seen before, yet they seem to be hitting it off. She has strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

It makes me smile.

"You look happy," Fitz notes

"That's because I am."

I close my eyes and enjoy the moment.

I open them again when Fitz calls my name. I then notice how close his face is to mine. Was it always that close, or did it just occur to me?

"Elsa," Fitz says, once again, regaining my attention, "I like you."

"I like you too," I confess. And with that, I close the gap between us, pressing my lips against his.

It's been quite a journey, and there have been many complications, yet each of us found our place.

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