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It's the middle of the night. Minho hasn't talked to me ever since we had the argument. I didn't come downstairs for dinner. I had to think of what to do. And I'm way too stressed out to eat either way.

When Min was at the bathroom earlier, I heard him speaking on the phone. He told the others. He told everybody that I've lied to them. I got a lot of messages saying I was a snake and that they wish I would've died instead of Wonho. Everybody is disappointed. No one understands. No one stayed by my side. But it makes sense. I don't know what else I should have expected. It was so obvious.

But I've been thinking. I've been thinking about everything. I thought about how this all began and how it turned out. And about where I am now. How my life has changed from one second to another. Insane. Yet through all the pain I feel inside of me, I had to think of something sensible. About the kidnapper. About them and what they've done. About the reason they have for doing this. And I couldn't find the reason. They never told me any. But everything needs a reason, right? So then it came to my mind. I realized that the answer has been right in front of my nose the whole time. I know who it is. He's made so many hints. He's said so many things. I should've known. And now I know what I have to do. I'll go and find him. I'll explore the streets and each and every corner, no matter what it takes. I can't lose them all like this. I have to make it stop. That's the only way.

I've already put on a hoodie and some pants and I'm right now putting stuff into my bag. Anything that could be useful. My charger, in case I find a place to stay at, my little pillow, some clothes for changing, just anything. When I'm done I sneak out of the room and down the stairs. Katie, Jake, and Minho are all asleep. They're not gonna notice me. I open the fridge and grab some light food that I can pack into the bag as well. Finishing up I take a break and look around in the living room one last time. I inhale deeply and release a sad sigh.

Me: I'll be back.

I turn around and while picking up my keys I tighten the grip onto the bag, before I carefully open the door and leave the house.

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