Chapter 7 - The Village of Horny People

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I mean minotaurs...

Next are gobbos.

I'm moving the dragon a bit further in the story because, well... It's last and it's a freaking DRAGON! Near the end boss level minion! ( Also because I want to go on with actual plot )

( Narrator P.o.V )

Plains near Mountains

Overlord was happy to stretch his legs after sitting in his tower for so long. Chloe glared past him at Astra who smirked at the Dark Elf. Minions summoned by their Master were running around, causing mischief to each other and wrecking everything that might have anything to do with good stuff - such as flowers, pixies, unicorns and - of course - any kind of shrine to anyone other than (Y/N) himself.

(Y/N) was investigating one of those with woman as the target of their worship. A high elf woman who's suppose to be the reincarnation of the goddess, Celestine. More than just wrecking the place he almost drooled at the sight of her breasts and he couldn't belive she's suppose to be holy... Let's not lie, with a body like that she'd be perfect to snuggle in bed and more than that.

So after wrecking the shrine - but keeping a portrait to enjoy something to look at - they were on their way to where minotaurs supposedly have a village.

Just after a bit of walking they've managed to find it but they were spotted as well with a few armed minotaurs waiting for them alongside an older minotaur with his hair already bright gray and silver. He was supporting hisself with large walking stick that might have as well be a weapon in his hands.

Eric : Hail, Dark Knight, to you and your companions. I am Eric, the elder of this community. Is there something you need?

Chloe : Allow me, since my Master don't speak. This is Overlord (Y/N), I am Chloe, I serve directly under Olga Discordia and this here is Astra, Amazon Queen. We've come because we want you to join our army.

Eric : That is a high demand and can be met only if all the other elders agree. We shall holding a gathering right away, come with me.

Eric grabbed one of the minotaurs next to him and ordered him to get others. It's worth mentioning that all of them are taller than Overlord but Eric seems even bigger, probably once being a great warrior of his people.

Soon enough they found themselves in the longhouse filled with minotaurs and in the middle a large table with five elders bickering to one another. To say that Overlord had enough of this bickering would be an understatement as he slammed his fist in the table breaking it in half and getting everyone's attention.

Astra : So, boss, what's the plan?

The old female minotaur pointed her finger at Overlord, her horns larger than most with long silver hair reaching almost to the floor. Despite others not armed she had an axe at her side.

Female Elder : Who do you think you are, interrupting our gathering?!

Eric : Calm down, Brynhildr! This is the Overlord!

Brynhildr : Overlord?! He barely looks grown up! He's still a young pup who has no respect for elders it seems!

Astra and Chloe along with all of their minions quickly jumped on Overlord's arm, stopping him from reaching for the sword at his side. He relaxed but still sent a glare at the older woman who didn't look away from his stare.

Eric : Calm down, everyone! We are here to discuss his request, not to fight.

Brynhildr : I will not belive this youngling to be a Lord of anything other than the two women at his side who came up with fancy titles.

His Mistresses ( Overlord!Male!Reader x Kuroinu Harem )Where stories live. Discover now