☽ eighteen: a lil' confused ☾

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AND THAT'S HOW we ended up at an all-you-can eat buffet with me and Yuta on one side of the booth with Hendery directly in front of me and Ten beside him.

"wait, so none of y'all are actually Korean?" I asked while stuffing my face with food.

"uh huh" Hendery answered.

Hendery told me he was from Macau and I told him I could speak mandarin, me and him having a short converthen in Cantonese afterwards as well.

Then Yuta stood up to go take a phone call and I noticed him speaking in Japanese.

I didn't know he was Japanese before, so when he returned I asked, "日本人ですか?" are you Japanese?

His eyes widened and his jaw dropped, "you can speak Japanese?"

"just a little bit I learnt haha" I said.

"are you real?" Ten asked me.

I laughed at that and then leaned back into the booth, patting my full stomach.

"I'm full" I said.

"same, I think we can leave now." Ten said.

As we paid the bill and exited the restaurant, Hendery and I exchanged numbers as he left, Ten and Yuta then turning to me.

"are you gonna come with us back to the shop?" Yuta asked.

"yeah." I said, as we started walking the short distance back to the tattoo store.

Ten was walking a bit ahead of us and Yuta put his arm around my shoulders, leaning down and asking me, "so when are you going back and talking to Mark?"

I sighed. "I don't know. I know I need to I just, don't really wanna talk to him right now." I said.

he nodded. "I understand, but you can't put it off forever" he said as we entered the store.

"yeah, yeah, I know." I said, looking around the shop again.

"how much for a septum? I want to get mine pierced today." I asked Ten, as Yuta was already in the back getting ready for his next customer.

"it's not that expensive, but if want it you should probably go get it now because it usually gets busy around here after lunch." he said, sitting behind the desk and getting papers ready.

"okay. Thanks." I said, heading for the room Yuta was in.

"hey." I said, opening the door after knocking.

"what's up?" he asked, leaning back  with his hands resting on the table.

"Can I get my septum now?" I asked, looking at the tattoo designs all over the room.

"huh? Now?"


"uh, okay, sure. Just sit on the table." he said, getting the needle.

I sat on the table and asked him, "did you draw all these tattoos yourself?"

He stood in front of me with the needle as he sterilized it. "yeah"

"wow. So you're sexy as fuck AND can draw? Damn, dude." I said, cringing when I saw the needle.

"you're gonna pierce me with that??" I asked, getting a bit worried as I was afraid of needles.

"it'll only hurt for a few seconds, I promise." I sighed and toughened up.

"okay." I said, as he stepped closer to me, me opening my legs so he could get close enough to give me the piercing.

I shut my eyes as it went through the cartilage between my nostrils, stinging a lot. I let out a few tears against my will at the brief pain of the needle. It was done almost instantly and Yuta had already put in the nose ring I chose.

He smiled at me and wiped my tears off with his fingertips, "see? It wasn't so bad." he said.

I sniffled and scrunched up my face a bit. "how do I look?" I asked him.


I pouted. "cute? That's all?"

"pretty." he said, smiling and giving me a mirror.

"better." I said, while looking in the mirror. "ooh this is quite nice actually" I said, turning my head left and right.

He laughed. "yeah."

"so how much do I actually owe you? Ten didn't tell me the exact price."

He raised an eyebrow, "what did he tell you?"

"he just said it wasn't expensive."

He nodded. "well, I got you, it's cool."

I rolled my eyes. "seriously, Yuta, How much?"

"don't worry about it, seriously."

"i don't like being in debt, and I already owe you so much."

"owe me for what?"

"for listening to me last night, letting me sleep at your house, buying me food, and just being there for me in general."

"you don't owe me for that stuff, Nayoung. I did it because I care."

I tilted my head at him. "see, that's what I don't get. Why?"

"why what?"

"why do you care? I feel like I've never actually had anyone else in my life who actually cares that much, why?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't know, I just do."

I suddenly hugged him and he hugged me back. "thank you." I whispered in his ear.

"no problem." he said.

He pulled away from me and I looked at him, putting my hand on his cheek. He put his hands on my waist and I pulled him in, pressing a soft kiss on his lips.

It soon turned deeper and he bit my lip, putting his tongue in my mouth and pulling me even closer to him. I tangled my fingers in his hair and moaned as his hands went higher before he suddenly pulled away and cleared his throat.

"sorry, I've been wanting to do that for a long time but I know about the whole thing with Mark. Sorry, I shouldn't have done that." he said, taking a step back and running his hands through his hair.

I got down from the table and said, "you're right, I'm sorry too, I feel like that just complicated things whole lot." I said, while running my hands over my face.

"it's cool. We can just keep this between us, I know you're kinda going through some shit right now and I feel like I took advantage of your vulnerable emotional state, I'm sorry." he said.

I got closer to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. "it really isn't your fault, Yuta. I didn't pull away either and I was just... Confused. Sorry if I gave you the wrong idea, I should probably go now." I said, pulling away from him and heading towards the door.

"yeah, I know what's going on with you so, you don't need to think too much of this, it was just a kiss, okay?" he said as I was leaving.

"yeah. Thanks again for the piercing" I said, heading out of the door. I walked passed Ten and said goodbye to him as I got into a taxi, on the way back to my apartment.

I kept thinking about the kiss. Do I like Yuta? I mean, he's cool, a good friend too, but I thought I liked Mark... but the kiss.. why'd he kiss me? I thought. And why didn't I stop him?


IT WAS ALREADY late when I left the tattoo shop, so it was dark out by the time I reached the apartment building.

I went upstairs to my apartment, closed the door and locked it behind me, getting ready for bed. I had just showered and changed into my pyjamas when I heard the doorbell ring.

I prayed that it wasn't Mark, Johnny or Jaehyun before opening the door to see the man himself standing there.

It was Mark.

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