☽ 19: fight my demons ☾

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I ROLLED MY EYES and tried to shut the door, but his hand stopped it before I could.

"why are you here?" I asked, obviously not wanting to see him.

"where were you? You didn't answer any of my calls, or texts, I came to your apartment but you weren't home, I was worried about you."

"my phone was on silent."

"where were you?"

"none of your business, you don't own me"

"i was worried."

"sure you were."

"Nayoung, come on."

" 'come on' what, Mark? Incase you didn't notice I don't wanna talk to you right now."

"Please. We need to talk about what happened yesterday night."

"we don't need to talk about anything. You said what you said last night. Please leave, I don't want to talk to you." I said, finally being able to close the door.

I heard a thud outside and then my phone rang, seeing that it was Mark. I dont know why but I answered anyways, not speaking until he said something first.

"about Friday, I wanted to explain the situation between me and my ex... I felt like you'd understand why I acted the way I did if you knew the whole story. I also know you're still mad, and don't want to see or talk to me right now, so thanks for picking up anyways." he said.

I kept quiet and just let him continue, keeping waht Yuta said about hearing him out in mind.

He sighed deeply and started talking. "so we met about 2 or 3 years ago.. at like, the beginning of senior high school. Long story short we dated until we graduated and she told me that she was moving to another country so we broke up. This was almost a year ago, and I haven't really thought about her since."

"go on" I said.

"then fast forward to a few weeks ago when I bumped into you in the elevator. I thought you were really pretty, even though you probably didn't think much of the first time we met. After school when I followed you into the café, trying to muster up the courage to talk to you, when you came and sat at the table I sat at first, taking out your food and eating it, asking if I had a problem. then we finally actually spoke in front of the building and exchanged numbers, you had no idea how happy I was."

"After that night at the party when you ran out on me, and when you woke up in my bed the morning after because you were too drunk to get to your apartment. When you came over the next week and I was sitting there, looking out of the window and listening to music by myself, your presence alone really comforted me, and I don't know how to describe it but I just felt a connection that I'd never felt ever before."

"the morning after that, when I woke up and saw you lying next to me in my bed I just, the emotions were indescribable. But when you said you don't date I kind of... lost hope, you know?"

"those few days after that weekend when we weren't talking, my ex, her name is Mina, happened to hit me back up, saying how she's back in Korea. I hadn't really thought anything of it until I heard commotion in the bathroom at the restaurant 2 nights ago and rushed inside, thinking you were hurt or something, and I just saw her and all the emotions came rushing back to me."

I heard him sniffle and hold back tears on the other line while I was already crying myself, recounting the memories of the few weeks we'd known each other.

"I'm sorry, Nayoung, I'm really sorry. I was just confused, a little drunk, and really didn't know what I was talking about. After you left when I went back outside, she admitted to the whole thing. How she hit you because she still had feelings for me and was jealous, all that."

I heard him cry on the other side of the door and my heart wrenched.

"I'm sorry, you didn't deserve the accusations at all, you really weren't a rebound or did I use you to get over her, I really just didn't know what I was talking about, and you didn't deserve to be blamed. I'm really sorry, and I understand it if you don't forgive me I just... had to let you know what the situation was so... yeah."

He said. I wiped my tears off with my sleeve and opened the door to see him already having stood up. I took a step closer and wrapped my arms around him, tears falling against my will.

"thank you, I accept the apology, Mark." I said. He was shocked for a moment but then hugged me back, us standing there in the doorway for what seemed like ages.

"as much as I hated the whole fight, it was really hard staying mad at you." I said, sniffling as he wiped my tears away with the sleeve of his shirt.

"thank you for forgiving me. I really don't deserve someone like you in my life."

I dragged him in the house and hugged him again. "it's okay, really."

He pulled away and looked at me. "nice piercing" he said, touching my blue septum ring.

I smiled. "thanks."

"uhhh... he looked around awkwardly.

"do you wanna stay the night?" I asked, leading him to my bedroom.

He smiled, "yeah.."

We went to my room and he took off his clothes, except his boxers and climbed into bed next to me, us cuddling in each other's warmth until morning came.

I blame the moon | nct mark lee ffWhere stories live. Discover now