❕ ☽ 23: you draw hentai? ☾

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He turned to me with a raised eyebrow, "what was that?" he said, trying to get the book out of my hands.

"nothing." I said, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"then lemme see."

"no." I said, standing up to try and hide it but he caught me and grabbed it out of my hands, holding me back with one of his arms while the other hand flipped through the pages, me fighting to get it back.

"Markkkk give it back!" He kept quiet and flipped though the pages, his mouth dropping open in shock as he saw the page with the erotic drawing of me and him.

It was basically a sketch of the night he took my virginity, with him on top of me and my eyes scrunched closed, naked on the bed.

"fuck" I heard him swear under his breath before he turned his head to look at me with an eyebrow raised and I looked away, avoiding eye contact. "you drew this?" he asked in a low, quiet voice that made my heart skip a beat.

I looked up from the floor and grabbed the book, closing it. "mhm" I said, hugging it close to my body.


"idk, few nights ago" I said, flopping down on the couch after putting down the sketchbook, "but it's embarrassing! You weren't supposed to see that." I said, hiding my face in my hands.

Unbeknownst to me, he opened the book again and said, scanning the artwork. "is this... us?"


I moved my hands and slowly looked up to see him staring at the drawing and gulping.

"mark?" I said, groaning when it had been a whilee and he didn't respond. "ugh, I'm so sorry you really, really, really weren't supposed to see that I don't even know why I drew it, you know? the other night I just couldn't sleep and I kept thinking about it and.. I'm sorry. I get it if you think it's weird or something. Sorry." I rambled, getting anxious waiting for his reaction.

"Mark?" I said in a quiet voice.

He gulped and closed his eyes, and I saw his chest rise and fall as he took a breath. He then opened his eyes and turned to me.

I stood and looked back at him, seeing some type of inner conflict in his eyes. "Mark, i-" i started before I was interrupted by him giving me a look I couldn't quite decifer.

He then cleared his throat, "uh, I should, uh, go." he said, suddenly bolting out of the front door before I could comprehend what had happened.

"fuck." I said, I really fucked up by letting him see that, now he probably thinks I'm weird. I thought, lying on the floor and groaning.


It had been almost an hour since he walked out and I was staring at my phone, trying to figure out if I should call, text, go to his apartment, or neither.

Fuck it. I decided to call him. The phone rang a few times and he didn't pick up. I left a message instead, asking him to come to my apartment so we could talk.

A few moments later, there was a knock on my door. I got up and opened it, Mark entering.

"um, I.. just wanted to explain." I said, after closing the door. "I, uh, the other night I could sleep, and that night was on my mind for some reason, so I drew it." I gulped after saying that.

"why'd you run away? Was it that bad?" I asked, after he didn't reply.

"i had to leave," he said, his eyes lingering on my lips, and I noticed. "or else I wouldn't have been able to control myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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