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Varian and Amber made it to the hotel, without much trouble. They both got their own beds. Amber laid down on the bed looking at the layout of the museum, it wasn't much different from those at home. She bite her lip to avoid thinking about home, and how much she missed Julia and Dad. She hoped they were both doing ok.

Before they got inside she was too shut off the security cameras, which wouldn't be hard. All she had to do was hack into the cameras and manually shut them off, her watch was still on her wrist it would help her get into the building. 

Varian had been very quite since they got off the plane, only speaking when he needed to. She couldn't tell if he was sad or constantly thinking. Its hard to tell with Varian.

She cleared her throat putting down the laptop, on the bed. Properly sitting up she looked to the black haired boy, he turned to her setting down the toy he was messing with.

"I know this maybe a bad idea, but since were not at VILE anymore i was wondering.." She trailed off feeling Spice sit on her should, and nuzzle into her hair. God she had missed him. Her throat started to hurt the more she thought about it. Like it was all coming crashing down at once. 

"If...If I could just call my family so they know i'm ok." Her voice quivered  a bit and her eyes pricked with tears. It was hard to constantly for a week act like you were completely fine.  Varians eyes widen as he realized what was happening. He gasped.

"I completely forgot! I'm so sorry! We can call them once we find a free phone." He hurried to her side and pat her back. She hiccuped a bit as tears ran down her face. She had missed being able to cry. She hugged Varian, they sat like that for a while, she silently sobbed. Varian muttered comforting words to her.

They hurried along the sidewalk trying to avoid as many people as possible. Who knew New York was so freaking busy all the time. Amber had her hood over her face, it was cold out. She wore a light green scarf covering her mouth to avoid anyone recognizing her, she doubted anyone could, but didn't matter. 

They had made a plan, act like lost teens. Get a grown up to lend her their phone, and call Player and her dad. She decided on Player since Carmen constantly changed phones and locations. She glanced at Varian, he didn't have his classic goggles on. He wore a grey hoodie with a purple beanie. The purple suited him nicely with the blue hair. 

It wasn't long until they reached a park and both sat on a bench. They had yet to find someone that could help them. Most people seemed in a rush, or just mean looking. Not that you should judge someone based on looks, but it was smarter to avoid those much stronger than you. 

The pairs eyes scanned the park hoping for to see someone. Ambers eyes caught on a nice looking flowery blond, her hair was long in a braid trailing behind her. She had bright green eyes and a flower crown in her hair. Next to her was a women with raven hair and green brown eyes. They'd be a cute couple, Amber wasn't one to assume though. 

Tapping Varian his eyes shot to the women. He nodded, they seemed nice enough and doubted they would refuse. Slowly both stood up and walked over to the pair of females.

The raven one was the first to look over, she seemed confused to why 2 kids were out here alone. It wasn't long until the blond followed suit looking at the two teens approaching. 

Amber gulped before speaking up in front of the two. "Me and my friend got lost, could we borrow your phone to call my parents?" It wasn't a totally lie.

The pairs eyes seemed to soft at what Amber said, the raven nodded and reached into her pocket. She logged into her phone and handed the phone to Amber, quickly Amber typed in Players number. He was going to be easier than her Dad. 

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