Los Angeles Connection 1.2.1

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Third Person POV

There was a long line of cars for a drive thru at a fast food place.

"Hey you speak English?" A deep voice asked.

"Yes," A black drive thru worker said.

"I want you to make sure there's no pickles on my burger, alright?" The dirt blonde haired man said,"And I'm gonna need another 8 cheeseburgers, 2 double doubles, a couple of-"

He was cut of by the car behind him honking making him yell, "YOURE NOT HELPING ANYTHING!"


The man was now walking up some stairs whistling and carrying a bag.

He opened a door, it revealed a dark room with people typing away at computers.

A lady who was seated close to the door, turned to the man.

"Lucky for you, I bought lunch again today," The dirt blonde haired man said placing the bag down on a table, "Dig in."

"You know anything about this Asian kid and his French assistant yet?" He asked looking through a telescope holding a burger.

"Uh no we haven't learned anything new, we don't have enough information," A male voice said.

The man bit into his burger, ketchep around the corners of his mouth now, "Big surprise, I knew I could count on this team." Through the telescope  he saw a blonde man, a brown girl and a (h/c) haired woman. He moved it to the view of the pool and saw the Asian kid playing with the girls.

"Damn it, look at those little punks," The man grumbled taking another bite of his burger, "When I get my hands on Cassano-"

He started coughing, "I told that little shit I didn't want pickles!"

One of the guys behind the computer turned to face the upset man, "You want me to go get ya a fresh one Detective Anderson?"

The upset man, known as Detective Anderson, threw his burger at the guy only to hit someone who's next to him.


"What do ya say we catch ourselves a trophy finish and cash out with a big payday?" Edamura smirked, "You're looking at the very best Japanese confidence man that ever walked the earth."

Edamura threw his capsule toy towards the trio, Laurent catching it.

"This is Hideyoshi Toyotomi."

"Why don't you sit down for a second Laurent, I need a foot rub."


"We're not a team, we're independent, screw up and we'll dump you, the only person you can trust is yourself, now get the hell outta my sight, go jerk off in a back alley, you worthless virgin."

Edamura grabbed his bag and stood up .

"I'm sure you know they have eyes on the airport," The door was slammed after.

Edamura walked under s bridge looking down with his hands in his pocket, he pulled out his capsule toy and looked at it.

-At Rentals : Park and Rear
____| R   |
| E |
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| T |
| A |
| L |
____|   S      |
| Park |
| & |
| Rear |

Edamura was in a book store looking for something. Now he was in a hotel watching movies.

He watched the movie intently taking a sip of his drink.

The Great Pretender (Reader Insert) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ